Spider-WEB v0.6b Completely based on a clx web client written in Java by dl6dbh (ftp://clx.muc.de/pub/clx/clx-java_10130001.tgz) The webserver has to run on the same machine as your DxSpider software! Installation instructions: Put all the files in the spider-web directory into a newly created directory under the documentroot of your websever for instance 'client'. In my case this is: /usr/local/httpd/spider/client/ ================================================================ !NOTE! this directory has to be writeable by your http daemon!!!! ================================================================= move spider.cgi to the cgi-bin directory of your webserver, in my case that is /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin/ make it worldreadable. edit spider.cgi and change the following parameters: portnumber=$"1407" tempdir=$"/usr/local/httpd/spider/client/" clustercall=$"PA4AB-15" 'portnumber' is the portnumber that you use to connect to your DxSpider via telnet (see Listeners.pm) 'tempdir' is the directory that you just created and that you used to move the *.java and *.class files to. 'clustercall' is the call of your cluster. You now can connect to Spider-Web via http://yourserver/cgi-bin/spider.cgi