my @remotenodes;
if ($self->{isolate}) {
- dbg("send_local_config: isolated");
+ dbg("$self->{call} send_local_config: isolated");
@localnodes = ( $main::routeroot );
$self->send_route($main::mycall, \&pc19, 1, $main::routeroot);
} elsif ($self->{do_pc9x}) {
- dbg("send_local_config: doing pc9x");
+ dbg("$self->{call} send_local_config: doing pc9x");
my $node = Route::Node::get($self->{call});
# $self->send_last_pc92_config($main::routeroot);
# $self->send(pc92a($main::routeroot, $node)) unless $main::routeroot->last_PC92C =~ /$self->{call}/;
# and are not themselves isolated, this to make sure that isolated nodes
# don't appear outside of this node
- dbg("send_local_config: traditional");
+ dbg("$self->{call} send_local_config: traditional");
# send locally connected nodes
my @dxchan = grep { $_->call ne $main::mycall && $_ != $self && !$_->{isolate} } DXChannel::get_all_nodes();
$self->{build} = 0 + $build;
$self->user->build(0 + $build);
$parent->build(0 + $build);
- dbg("DXSpider version $version build $build");
+ dbg("$self->{call} = DXSpider version $version build $build");
unless ($self->is_spider) {
dbg("Change U " . $self->user->sort . " C $self->{sort} -> S");
# $self->{handle_xml}++ if DXXml::available() && $pc->[1] =~ /\bxml/;
} else {
- dbg("Unknown software");
+ dbg("$self->{call} = Unknown software ($pc->[1] $pc->[2])");
$self->version($pc->[2] / 100) if $pc->[2] && $pc->[2] =~ /^\d+$/;
if ($pc->[1] =~ /\bpc9x/) {
if ($self->{isolate}) {
- dbg("pc9x recognised, but $self->{call} is isolated, using old protocol");
+ dbg("$self->{call} pc9x recognised, but node is isolated, using old protocol");
} elsif (!$self->user->wantpc9x) {
- dbg("pc9x explicitly switched off on $self->{call}, using old protocol");
+ dbg("$self->{call} pc9x explicitly switched off, using old protocol");
} else {
$self->{do_pc9x} = 1;
- dbg("Do px9x set on $self->{call}");
+ dbg("$self->{call} Set do PC9x");