]> gb7djk.dxcluster.net Git - music.git/commitdiff
add stuff to tallis and move things about
authorDirk Koopman <djk@tobit.co.uk>
Sat, 11 Feb 2017 14:52:56 +0000 (14:52 +0000)
committerDirk Koopman <djk@tobit.co.uk>
Sat, 11 Feb 2017 14:52:56 +0000 (14:52 +0000)
add salvator-mundi
add o-nata-lux
move ifyeloveme to own directory

tallis/Makefile [deleted file]
tallis/if-ye-love-me/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
tallis/if-ye-love-me/ifyeloveme.mup [new file with mode: 0644]
tallis/if-ye-love-me/ifyeloveme_orig.mup [new file with mode: 0644]
tallis/ifyeloveme.mup [deleted file]
tallis/ifyeloveme_orig.mup [deleted file]
tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover-alto.odt [new file with mode: 0644]
tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover.odt [new file with mode: 0644]
tallis/o-nata-lux/O_nata_lux_Tallis-alto.mscx [new file with mode: 0644]
tallis/o-nata-lux/O_nata_lux_Tallis.mscx [new file with mode: 0644]
tallis/salvator-mundi.mscx [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/tallis/Makefile b/tallis/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ab7539d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 2004/04/17 12:33:53 djk Exp $
-.SUFFIXES: .ps .mup .mid
-OBJ=ifyeloveme.ps ifyeloveme_orig.ps tallis_3.ps 
-OBJM=ifyeloveme.mid ifyeloveme_orig.mid tallis_3.mid
-all : ps midi
-ps : $(OBJ)
-       touch ps
-midi : $(OBJM)
-       touch midi
-clean :
-       rm -f *~ *.ps *.mid
-.mup.ps :
-       mup $< -f $@
-.mup.mid :
-       mup $< -m $@
diff --git a/tallis/if-ye-love-me/Makefile b/tallis/if-ye-love-me/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ab7539d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 2004/04/17 12:33:53 djk Exp $
+.SUFFIXES: .ps .mup .mid
+OBJ=ifyeloveme.ps ifyeloveme_orig.ps tallis_3.ps 
+OBJM=ifyeloveme.mid ifyeloveme_orig.mid tallis_3.mid
+all : ps midi
+ps : $(OBJ)
+       touch ps
+midi : $(OBJM)
+       touch midi
+clean :
+       rm -f *~ *.ps *.mid
+.mup.ps :
+       mup $< -f $@
+.mup.mid :
+       mup $< -m $@
diff --git a/tallis/if-ye-love-me/ifyeloveme.mup b/tallis/if-ye-love-me/ifyeloveme.mup
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..74ce45c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+  staffs=4
+  bracket=1-4
+  key=1& major
+  time=4/2n
+  lyricsfontfamily=newcentury
+  fontfamily=avantgarde
+  lyricssize=15
+  measnum=y
+  scale=0.57
+  packexp=1.0
+  packfact=0.75
+//  staffsep=12   
+//  scorepad=10
+  topmargin=0.5
+  botmargin=1.0
+//  panelsperpage=2
+  pageheight=11.6944
+  pagewidth=8.26389
+  beamstyle=1, 1
+//  division=48                    // midi 'quarter note' size - minims (probably)
+  title bold (20) "If ye love me" "" ""
+  title (14) "Thomas Tallis (c 1505 - 1585)" "" "Edited by Tigger Burton"
+// title (16) "If ye love me" "" "Thomas Tallis"
+//  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
+//                "$Id: ifyeloveme.mup,v 1.7 2003/08/01 17:06:40 djk Exp $" \
+//                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
+//  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
+//  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
+//                "\%" \
+//                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
+//  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
+staff 1
+  clef=treble
+  label="Secundus Contratenor"
+staff 2
+  clef=treble
+  label="Medius"
+staff 3
+  clef=treble8
+  label="Tenor"
+staff 4
+  clef=bass
+  label="Bass"
+define S 1: @
+define A 2: @
+define T 3: @
+define B 4: @
+define L lyrics @
+define LS lyrics 1: @
+define LA lyrics 2: @
+define LT lyrics 3: @
+define LB lyrics 4: @
+  midi 1: 0 "channel=1"; 0 "program=72";
+  midi 2: 0 "channel=2"; 0 "program=72";
+  midi 3: 0 "channel=3"; 0 "program=72";
+  midi 4: 0 "channel=4"; 0 "program=72";
+  midi 1-4:  0 "param=7,127";
+  midi all: 0 "tempo=200"; 
+  // 1
+  S 1.f; 2;
+  A 1.c; 2d;
+  T 1.a; 2f;
+  B 1.f; 2d;
+  L 1-4: "If ye";
+  bar
+  // 2
+  S 1g; 1a~;
+  A 1e; 1f~;
+  T 1c+; 1c+~;
+  B 1c; 1f~;
+  L 1-4: "love me";
+  bar
+  // 3
+  S 2a; ;g ;f;
+  A 2f; ; e; d;
+  T 2c+; ; ; a;
+  B 2f; ; c; d;
+  L 1-4: "keep my com-";
+  bar
+  // 4
+  S 1b; a;
+  A 1f; ~;
+  T 1d+; c+~;
+  B 1b-; f~;
+  L 1-4: "mand-ments.";
+  bar
+  // 5
+  S 2r; a; ; ;
+  A 1f; 1r;
+  T 1c+; 2r; a;
+  B 1/2f;
+  LS "And I will";
+  LT "And";
+  bar
+  // 6 
+  S 1c+; 2b; a~;
+  A mr;
+  T 2a; ; 2.d+; 4c+;
+  B mr;
+  LS "pray the Fa-";
+  LT "I will pray the";
+  bar
+  // 7
+  S 4a; b; 2g; 1a;
+  A 2r; d; ; ;
+  T 1b; a~;
+  B 1r; d;
+  LS "--ther";
+  LA "And I will";
+  LT "Fa-ther,_";
+  LB "And";
+  bar
+  // 8
+  S mr;
+  A 1f; 2e; d~;
+  T 1a; r;
+  B 2d; d; 2.g; 4f;
+  LA "pray the Fa-";
+  LB "I will pray the";
+  bar
+  // 9 
+  S 2r; g; f; ;
+  A 2d; c; d; ;
+  T 1r; 2r; b;
+  B 1e; d;
+  LS "and he shall";
+  LA "-ther, and";
+  LT "and";
+  LB "Fa-ther.";
+  bar
+  // 10
+  S 1.b; 2a~;
+  A 2b-; ; 1f;
+  T 2g; ; 1d+;
+  B 2r; g; d; d;
+  LS "give you_";
+  LA "He shall give";
+  LT "He shall give";
+  LB "and He shall";
+  bar
+  // 11
+  S 2a; f; a; g~;
+  A 2f; c; f; e;
+  T 2c+; a; 1c+;
+  B 1f; 2; c;
+  LS "a-no-ther_";
+  LA "you a-no--";
+  LT "you a-no-";
+  LB "give you a-";
+  bar
+  // 12
+  S 2g; 1f; 2e;
+  A 2d; b-; 2.c; 4;
+  T 4b; a; 2f; 2.g; 4;
+  B 2d; ; c; ;
+  LS "Com-for-";
+  LA "-ther Com-for-";
+  LT "--ther Com-for-";
+  LB "no-ther Com-for-";
+  bar
+  // 13 
+  S 1f; r;
+  A 1c; r;
+  T 1f; c+;
+  B 1f; r;
+  LS "ter,";
+  LA "ter,";
+  LT "ter, that";
+  LB "ter,";
+  repeatstart
+  // 14
+  S mr;
+  A 1r; f;
+  T 1.f+; 2e+;
+  B 1f; b~;
+  LA "that";
+  LT "He may";
+  LB "that He";
+  bar
+  // 15
+  S mr;
+  A 1.b; 2a;
+  T 2d+; c+; b; c+;
+  B 2b; a; g; f;
+  LA "He may";
+  LT "'bide with you for";
+  LB "may 'bide with";
+  bar;
+  // 16
+  S 2r; f; 1c+~;
+  A 2g; f; ; e;
+  T 2c+; a; g; ; 
+  B 2e; f; 1c;
+  LS "that He";
+  LA "'bide with you for";
+  LT "e--ver, [that";
+  LB "you for e-";
+  bar
+  // 17
+  S 2c+; b; a; g;
+  A 1f; 2; c;
+  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
+  B 2f; ; ; e;
+  LS "may 'bide with";
+  LA "e-ver, with";
+  LT "he may 'bide with";
+  LB "ver, may 'bide with";
+  bar;
+  // 18
+  S 2f; a; 1g;
+  A 2d; ; 1;
+  T 2a; ; 1bn;
+  B 2d; ; 1g;
+  L 1-4: "you for e-";
+  bar
+  // 19
+  S 1g; r;
+  A 1e; ;
+  T 2c+; 1g+; 2c+;
+  B 1c; 2r; c+~;
+  LS "ver;";
+  LA "ver; e'en";
+  LT "ver;] e'en the";
+  LB "ver; e'en_";
+  bar
+  // 20
+  S mr;
+  A 2e; 1a; 2g~;
+  T 2g+; f+; e+; d+;
+  B 2c+; f; c+; b;
+  LA "the Sp'rit of_";
+  LT "Sp'rit of truth, the";
+  LB "the Sp'rit of";
+  bar
+  // 21
+  S 2r; 1c+; 2f;
+  A 4g; f; 2; r; f~;
+  T 1/2c+;
+  B 1a; 2f; a~;
+  LS "e'en the";
+  LA "_ truth, [e'en_";
+  LT "Sp'rit";
+  LB "truth, the Sp'rit_";
+  bar
+  // 22 
+  S 2c+; b; 1a;
+  A 2f; b-; f; ;
+  T 2a; 1d+; 2c+~;
+  B 4a; f; 2g; 1f;
+  LS "Sp'rit of truth,";
+  LA "the Sp'rit of";
+  LT "of truth, e'en_";
+  LB "of__ truth,";
+  bar
+  // 23
+  S 2g; f; e; d;
+  A 2e; 1c+; 2f;
+  T 2c+; f; c+; b;
+  B 1r; 2; f~;
+  LS "e'en the Sp'rit of";
+  LA "truth,] e'en the";
+  LT "the Sp'rit of";
+  LB "[e'en_";
+  bar
+  // 24
+  S 2c; 1f; 2c;
+  A 2c+; b; a; g~;
+  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
+  B 2f; b-; f; e;
+  LS "truth, [e'en the";
+  LA "Sp'rit of truth, the_";
+  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
+  LB "the Sp'rit of";
+  bar
+  // 25
+  S 2d; b-; 1c;
+  A 4g; f; 1; 2e;
+  T 2a; f; g; g;
+  B 2d; ; c; ;
+  LS "Sp'rit of__";
+  LA "_ Sp'rit of";
+  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
+  LB "truth,] (the Sp'rit of";
+  bar ending "1."
+  // 26 
+score time=2/2n
+  S 1c;
+  A 1f;
+  T 1c+;
+  B 1f;
+  L 1-3: "truth,";
+  LB "truth,)";
+  bar
+  // start again
+  S mr;
+  A mr;
+  T 1c+;
+  B mr;
+  LT "that";
+  repeatend ending "2."
+  // last time
+score time=4/2n
+  S 1/2c;
+  A 1/2f;
+  T 1/2c+;
+  B 1/2f;
+  L 1-3: "truth";
+  LB "truth.)";
+  endbar
+//title ""
+//title ""
+//title ""
+//title ""
+//title ""
+//left nl "\f(AB)Source:                    \f(AR)Day's Certaine notes ... (1565). (Bodl. Douce B. 248)" 
+//left nl "\f(AB)Text:                        \f(AR)The Gospel according to St. John, chapter 14, vv. 15-17."
+//left nl "\f(AB)Editorial Method:  \f(AR)Bar lines are editorial.  Spelling has been"
+//print " modernised. Repetitions of underlay shown in the original are enclosed in square"
+//left nl "                                 brackets; editorial repetitions are shown in round brackets."
+//print "  The anthem is transposed up a perfect fourth from written pitch."
+//left nl ""
+title ""
+title ""
+title ""
+title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
+              "$Id: ifyeloveme.mup,v 1.8 2016/03/07 13:06:40 djk Exp $" \
+              "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
+title "Edition \(copyright) 1998-2016" "" "Editorial \(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton"
+// last line for white space at EOF
diff --git a/tallis/if-ye-love-me/ifyeloveme_orig.mup b/tallis/if-ye-love-me/ifyeloveme_orig.mup
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fc14f99
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+  title (21) ""
+  title bold (24) "If ye love me" "" ""
+  title (16) "Thomas Tallis (c 1505 - 1585)" " \f(TI)(Original pitch)" "Edited by Tigger Burton"
+  title (16) "If ye love me" "" "Thomas Tallis"
+  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
+                "$Id: ifyeloveme_orig.mup,v 1.1 1998/07/11 15:35:44 djk Exp $" \
+                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
+  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
+  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
+                "\%" \
+                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
+  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
+  staffs=4
+  bracket=1-4
+  key=1& major
+  time=4/2n
+  lyricsfontfamily = courier
+  measnum=y
+  beamstyle=1, 1
+  scale=0.7
+  staffsep=14   
+  pageheight=11.5
+//  division=48                    // midi 'quarter note' size - minims (probably)
+staff 1
+  clef=treble8
+  label="Secundus Contratenor"
+  transpose=up perfect 5
+staff 2
+  clef=treble8
+  label="Medius"
+  transpose= up perfect 5
+staff 3
+  clef=bass
+  label="Tenor"
+  transpose=down perfect 4
+staff 4
+  clef=bass
+  label="Bass"
+  transpose=down perfect 4
+define S 1: @
+define A 2: @
+define T 3: @
+define B 4: @
+define L lyrics @
+define LS lyrics 1: @
+define LA lyrics 2: @
+define LT lyrics 3: @
+define LB lyrics 4: @
+  midi 1: 0 "channel=1"; 0 "program=40";
+  midi 2: 0 "channel=2"; 0 "program=41";
+  midi 3: 0 "channel=3"; 0 "program=42";
+  midi 4: 0 "channel=4"; 0 "program=43";
+  midi 1-4:  0 "param=7,127";
+  midi all: 0 "tempo=200"; 
+  // 1
+  S 1.f; 2;
+  A 1.c; 2d;
+  T 1.a; 2f;
+  B 1.f; 2d;
+  L 1-4: "If ye";
+  bar
+  // 2
+  S 1g; 1a~;
+  A 1e; 1f~;
+  T 1c+; 1c+~;
+  B 1c; 1f~;
+  L 1-4: "love me";
+  bar
+  // 3
+  S 2a; ;g ;f;
+  A 2f; ; e; d;
+  T 2c+; ; ; a;
+  B 2f; ; c; d;
+  L 1-4: "keep my com-";
+  bar
+  // 4
+  S 1b; a;
+  A 1f; ~;
+  T 1d+; c+~;
+  B 1b-; f~;
+  L 1-4: "mand-ments.";
+  bar
+  // 5
+  S 2r; a; ; ;
+  A 1f; 1r;
+  T 1c+; 2r; a;
+  B 1/2f;
+  LS "And I will";
+  LT "And";
+  bar
+  // 6 
+  S 1c+; 2b; a~;
+  A mr;
+  T 2a; ; 2.d+; 4c+;
+  B mr;
+  LS "pray the Fa-";
+  LT "I will pray the";
+  bar
+  // 7
+  S 4a; b; 2g; 1a;
+  A 2r; d; ; ;
+  T 1b; a~;
+  B 1r; d;
+  LS "--ther";
+  LA "And I will";
+  LT "Fa-ther,_";
+  LB "And";
+  bar
+  // 8
+  S mr;
+  A 1f; 2e; d~;
+  T 1a; r;
+  B 2d; d; 2.g; 4f;
+  LA "pray the Fa-";
+  LB "I will pray the";
+  bar
+  // 9 
+  S 2r; g; f; ;
+  A 2d; c; d; ;
+  T 1r; 2r; b;
+  B 1e; d;
+  LS "and he shall";
+  LA "-ther, and";
+  LT "and";
+  LB "Fa-ther.";
+  bar
+  // 10
+  S 1.b; 2a~;
+  A 2b-; ; 1f;
+  T 2g; ; 1d+;
+  B 2r; g; d; d;
+  LS "give you_";
+  LA "He shall give";
+  LT "He shall give";
+  LB "and He shall";
+  bar
+  // 11
+  S 2a; f; a; g~;
+  A 2f; c; f; e;
+  T 2c+; a; 1c+;
+  B 1f; 2; c;
+  LS "a-no-ther_";
+  LA "you a-no--";
+  LT "you a-no-";
+  LB "give you a-";
+  bar
+  // 12
+  S 2g; 1f; 2e;
+  A 2d; b-; 2.c; 4;
+  T 4b; a; 2f; 2.g; 4;
+  B 2d; ; c; ;
+  LS "Com-for-";
+  LA "-ther Com-for-";
+  LT "--ther Com-for-";
+  LB "no-ther Com-for-";
+  bar
+  // 13 
+  S 1f; r;
+  A 1c; r;
+  T 1f; c+;
+  B 1f; r;
+  LS "ter,";
+  LA "ter,";
+  LT "ter, that";
+  LB "ter,";
+  repeatstart
+  // 14
+  S mr;
+  A 1r; f;
+  T 1.f+; 2e+;
+  B 1f; b~;
+  LA "that";
+  LT "He may";
+  LB "that He";
+  bar
+  // 15
+  S mr;
+  A 1.b; 2a;
+  T 2d+; c+; b; c+;
+  B 2b; a; g; f;
+  LA "He may";
+  LT "'bide with you for";
+  LB "may 'bide with";
+  bar;
+  // 16
+  S 2r; f; 1c+~;
+  A 2g; f; ; e;
+  T 2c+; a; g; ; 
+  B 2e; f; 1c;
+  LS "that He";
+  LA "'bide with you for";
+  LT "e--ver, [that";
+  LB "you for e-";
+  bar
+  // 17
+  S 2c+; b; a; g;
+  A 1f; 2; c;
+  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
+  B 2f; ; ; e;
+  LS "may 'bide with";
+  LA "e-ver, with";
+  LT "he may 'bide with";
+  LB "ver, may 'bide with";
+  bar;
+  // 18
+  S 2f; a; 1g;
+  A 2d; ; 1;
+  T 2a; ; 1bn;
+  B 2d; ; 1g;
+  L 1-4: "you for e-";
+  bar
+  // 19
+  S 1g; r;
+  A 1e; ;
+  T 2c+; 1g+; 2c+;
+  B 1c; 2r; c+~;
+  LS "ver;";
+  LA "ver; e'en";
+  LT "ver; e'en the";
+  LB "ver; e'en_";
+  bar
+  // 20
+  S mr;
+  A 2e; 1a; 2g~;
+  T 2g+; f+; e+; d+;
+  B 2c+; f; c+; b;
+  LA "the Sp'rit of_";
+  LT "Sp'rit of truth, the";
+  LB "the Sp'rit of";
+  bar
+  // 21
+  S 2r; 1c+; 2f;
+  A 4g; f; 2; r; f~;
+  T 1/2c+;
+  B 1a; 2f; a~;
+  LS "e'en the";
+  LA "_ truth, [e'en_";
+  LT "Sp'rit";
+  LB "truth, the Sp'rit_";
+  bar
+  // 22 
+  S 2c+; b; 1a;
+  A 2f; b-; f; ;
+  T 2a; 1d+; 2c+~;
+  B 4a; f; 2g; 1f;
+  LS "Sp'rit of truth,";
+  LA "the Sp'rit of";
+  LT "of truth, e'en_";
+  LB "of__ truth,";
+  bar
+  // 23
+  S 2g; f; e; d;
+  A 2e; 1c+; 2f;
+  T 2c+; f; c+; b;
+  B 1r; 2; f~;
+  LS "e'en the Sp'rit of";
+  LA "truth,] e'en the";
+  LT "the Sp'rit of";
+  LB "[e'en_";
+  bar
+  // 24
+  S 2c; 1f; 2c;
+  A 2c+; b; a; g~;
+  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
+  B 2f; b-; f; e;
+  LS "truth, [e'en the";
+  LA "Sp'rit of truth, the_";
+  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
+  LB "the Sp'rit of";
+  bar
+  // 25
+  S 2d; b-; 1c;
+  A 4g; f; 1; 2e;
+  T 2a; f; g; g;
+  B 2d; ; c; ;
+  LS "Sp'rit of__";
+  LA "_ Sp'rit of";
+  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
+  LB "truth,] (the Sp'rit of";
+  bar ending "1."
+  // 26 
+  S 1/2c;
+  A 1/2f;
+  T 1/2c+;
+  B 1/2f;
+  L 1-3: "truth,";
+  LB "truth,)";
+  bar
+  // start again
+score time=2/2n
+  S mr;
+  A mr;
+  T 1c+;
+  B mr;
+  LT "that";
+  repeatend ending "2."
+  // last time
+score time=4/2n
+  S 1/2c;
+  A 1/2f;
+  T 1/2c+;
+  B 1/2f;
+  L 1-3: "truth";
+  LB "truth.)";
+  endbar
+title ""
+title ""
+title ""
+title ""
+title ""
+left nl "\f(TB)Source:                    \f(TR)Day's Certaine notes ... (1565). (Bodl. Douce B. 248)" 
+left nl "\f(TB)Text:                        \f(TR)The Gospel according to St. John, chapter 14, vv. 15-17."
+left nl "\f(TB)Editorial Method:  \f(TR)Bar lines are editorial.  Spelling has been"
+print " modernised. Repetitions of underlay shown in the original are enclosed in square"
+left nl "                                 brackets; editorial repetitions are shown in round brackets."
+print "  The anthem is at written pitch."
diff --git a/tallis/ifyeloveme.mup b/tallis/ifyeloveme.mup
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 74ce45c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
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-  title bold (20) "If ye love me" "" ""
-  title (14) "Thomas Tallis (c 1505 - 1585)" "" "Edited by Tigger Burton"
-// title (16) "If ye love me" "" "Thomas Tallis"
-//  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
-//                "$Id: ifyeloveme.mup,v 1.7 2003/08/01 17:06:40 djk Exp $" \
-//                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
-//  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
-//  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
-//                "\%" \
-//                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
-//  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
-staff 1
-  clef=treble
-  label="Secundus Contratenor"
-staff 2
-  clef=treble
-  label="Medius"
-staff 3
-  clef=treble8
-  label="Tenor"
-staff 4
-  clef=bass
-  label="Bass"
-define S 1: @
-define A 2: @
-define T 3: @
-define B 4: @
-define L lyrics @
-define LS lyrics 1: @
-define LA lyrics 2: @
-define LT lyrics 3: @
-define LB lyrics 4: @
-  midi 1: 0 "channel=1"; 0 "program=72";
-  midi 2: 0 "channel=2"; 0 "program=72";
-  midi 3: 0 "channel=3"; 0 "program=72";
-  midi 4: 0 "channel=4"; 0 "program=72";
-  midi 1-4:  0 "param=7,127";
-  midi all: 0 "tempo=200"; 
-  // 1
-  S 1.f; 2;
-  A 1.c; 2d;
-  T 1.a; 2f;
-  B 1.f; 2d;
-  L 1-4: "If ye";
-  bar
-  // 2
-  S 1g; 1a~;
-  A 1e; 1f~;
-  T 1c+; 1c+~;
-  B 1c; 1f~;
-  L 1-4: "love me";
-  bar
-  // 3
-  S 2a; ;g ;f;
-  A 2f; ; e; d;
-  T 2c+; ; ; a;
-  B 2f; ; c; d;
-  L 1-4: "keep my com-";
-  bar
-  // 4
-  S 1b; a;
-  A 1f; ~;
-  T 1d+; c+~;
-  B 1b-; f~;
-  L 1-4: "mand-ments.";
-  bar
-  // 5
-  S 2r; a; ; ;
-  A 1f; 1r;
-  T 1c+; 2r; a;
-  B 1/2f;
-  LS "And I will";
-  LT "And";
-  bar
-  // 6 
-  S 1c+; 2b; a~;
-  A mr;
-  T 2a; ; 2.d+; 4c+;
-  B mr;
-  LS "pray the Fa-";
-  LT "I will pray the";
-  bar
-  // 7
-  S 4a; b; 2g; 1a;
-  A 2r; d; ; ;
-  T 1b; a~;
-  B 1r; d;
-  LS "--ther";
-  LA "And I will";
-  LT "Fa-ther,_";
-  LB "And";
-  bar
-  // 8
-  S mr;
-  A 1f; 2e; d~;
-  T 1a; r;
-  B 2d; d; 2.g; 4f;
-  LA "pray the Fa-";
-  LB "I will pray the";
-  bar
-  // 9 
-  S 2r; g; f; ;
-  A 2d; c; d; ;
-  T 1r; 2r; b;
-  B 1e; d;
-  LS "and he shall";
-  LA "-ther, and";
-  LT "and";
-  LB "Fa-ther.";
-  bar
-  // 10
-  S 1.b; 2a~;
-  A 2b-; ; 1f;
-  T 2g; ; 1d+;
-  B 2r; g; d; d;
-  LS "give you_";
-  LA "He shall give";
-  LT "He shall give";
-  LB "and He shall";
-  bar
-  // 11
-  S 2a; f; a; g~;
-  A 2f; c; f; e;
-  T 2c+; a; 1c+;
-  B 1f; 2; c;
-  LS "a-no-ther_";
-  LA "you a-no--";
-  LT "you a-no-";
-  LB "give you a-";
-  bar
-  // 12
-  S 2g; 1f; 2e;
-  A 2d; b-; 2.c; 4;
-  T 4b; a; 2f; 2.g; 4;
-  B 2d; ; c; ;
-  LS "Com-for-";
-  LA "-ther Com-for-";
-  LT "--ther Com-for-";
-  LB "no-ther Com-for-";
-  bar
-  // 13 
-  S 1f; r;
-  A 1c; r;
-  T 1f; c+;
-  B 1f; r;
-  LS "ter,";
-  LA "ter,";
-  LT "ter, that";
-  LB "ter,";
-  repeatstart
-  // 14
-  S mr;
-  A 1r; f;
-  T 1.f+; 2e+;
-  B 1f; b~;
-  LA "that";
-  LT "He may";
-  LB "that He";
-  bar
-  // 15
-  S mr;
-  A 1.b; 2a;
-  T 2d+; c+; b; c+;
-  B 2b; a; g; f;
-  LA "He may";
-  LT "'bide with you for";
-  LB "may 'bide with";
-  bar;
-  // 16
-  S 2r; f; 1c+~;
-  A 2g; f; ; e;
-  T 2c+; a; g; ; 
-  B 2e; f; 1c;
-  LS "that He";
-  LA "'bide with you for";
-  LT "e--ver, [that";
-  LB "you for e-";
-  bar
-  // 17
-  S 2c+; b; a; g;
-  A 1f; 2; c;
-  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
-  B 2f; ; ; e;
-  LS "may 'bide with";
-  LA "e-ver, with";
-  LT "he may 'bide with";
-  LB "ver, may 'bide with";
-  bar;
-  // 18
-  S 2f; a; 1g;
-  A 2d; ; 1;
-  T 2a; ; 1bn;
-  B 2d; ; 1g;
-  L 1-4: "you for e-";
-  bar
-  // 19
-  S 1g; r;
-  A 1e; ;
-  T 2c+; 1g+; 2c+;
-  B 1c; 2r; c+~;
-  LS "ver;";
-  LA "ver; e'en";
-  LT "ver;] e'en the";
-  LB "ver; e'en_";
-  bar
-  // 20
-  S mr;
-  A 2e; 1a; 2g~;
-  T 2g+; f+; e+; d+;
-  B 2c+; f; c+; b;
-  LA "the Sp'rit of_";
-  LT "Sp'rit of truth, the";
-  LB "the Sp'rit of";
-  bar
-  // 21
-  S 2r; 1c+; 2f;
-  A 4g; f; 2; r; f~;
-  T 1/2c+;
-  B 1a; 2f; a~;
-  LS "e'en the";
-  LA "_ truth, [e'en_";
-  LT "Sp'rit";
-  LB "truth, the Sp'rit_";
-  bar
-  // 22 
-  S 2c+; b; 1a;
-  A 2f; b-; f; ;
-  T 2a; 1d+; 2c+~;
-  B 4a; f; 2g; 1f;
-  LS "Sp'rit of truth,";
-  LA "the Sp'rit of";
-  LT "of truth, e'en_";
-  LB "of__ truth,";
-  bar
-  // 23
-  S 2g; f; e; d;
-  A 2e; 1c+; 2f;
-  T 2c+; f; c+; b;
-  B 1r; 2; f~;
-  LS "e'en the Sp'rit of";
-  LA "truth,] e'en the";
-  LT "the Sp'rit of";
-  LB "[e'en_";
-  bar
-  // 24
-  S 2c; 1f; 2c;
-  A 2c+; b; a; g~;
-  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
-  B 2f; b-; f; e;
-  LS "truth, [e'en the";
-  LA "Sp'rit of truth, the_";
-  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
-  LB "the Sp'rit of";
-  bar
-  // 25
-  S 2d; b-; 1c;
-  A 4g; f; 1; 2e;
-  T 2a; f; g; g;
-  B 2d; ; c; ;
-  LS "Sp'rit of__";
-  LA "_ Sp'rit of";
-  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
-  LB "truth,] (the Sp'rit of";
-  bar ending "1."
-  // 26 
-score time=2/2n
-  S 1c;
-  A 1f;
-  T 1c+;
-  B 1f;
-  L 1-3: "truth,";
-  LB "truth,)";
-  bar
-  // start again
-  S mr;
-  A mr;
-  T 1c+;
-  B mr;
-  LT "that";
-  repeatend ending "2."
-  // last time
-score time=4/2n
-  S 1/2c;
-  A 1/2f;
-  T 1/2c+;
-  B 1/2f;
-  L 1-3: "truth";
-  LB "truth.)";
-  endbar
-//title ""
-//title ""
-//title ""
-//title ""
-//title ""
-//left nl "\f(AB)Source:                    \f(AR)Day's Certaine notes ... (1565). (Bodl. Douce B. 248)" 
-//left nl "\f(AB)Text:                        \f(AR)The Gospel according to St. John, chapter 14, vv. 15-17."
-//left nl "\f(AB)Editorial Method:  \f(AR)Bar lines are editorial.  Spelling has been"
-//print " modernised. Repetitions of underlay shown in the original are enclosed in square"
-//left nl "                                 brackets; editorial repetitions are shown in round brackets."
-//print "  The anthem is transposed up a perfect fourth from written pitch."
-//left nl ""
-title ""
-title ""
-title ""
-title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
-              "$Id: ifyeloveme.mup,v 1.8 2016/03/07 13:06:40 djk Exp $" \
-              "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
-title "Edition \(copyright) 1998-2016" "" "Editorial \(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton"
-// last line for white space at EOF
diff --git a/tallis/ifyeloveme_orig.mup b/tallis/ifyeloveme_orig.mup
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fc14f99..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-  title (21) ""
-  title bold (24) "If ye love me" "" ""
-  title (16) "Thomas Tallis (c 1505 - 1585)" " \f(TI)(Original pitch)" "Edited by Tigger Burton"
-  title (16) "If ye love me" "" "Thomas Tallis"
-  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
-                "$Id: ifyeloveme_orig.mup,v 1.1 1998/07/11 15:35:44 djk Exp $" \
-                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
-  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
-  title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \
-                "\%" \
-                "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"
-  title "\(copyright) 1995 Tigger Burton" ""
-  staffs=4
-  bracket=1-4
-  key=1& major
-  time=4/2n
-  lyricsfontfamily = courier
-  measnum=y
-  beamstyle=1, 1
-  scale=0.7
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-  pageheight=11.5
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-  transpose=up perfect 5
-staff 2
-  clef=treble8
-  label="Medius"
-  transpose= up perfect 5
-staff 3
-  clef=bass
-  label="Tenor"
-  transpose=down perfect 4
-staff 4
-  clef=bass
-  label="Bass"
-  transpose=down perfect 4
-define S 1: @
-define A 2: @
-define T 3: @
-define B 4: @
-define L lyrics @
-define LS lyrics 1: @
-define LA lyrics 2: @
-define LT lyrics 3: @
-define LB lyrics 4: @
-  midi 1: 0 "channel=1"; 0 "program=40";
-  midi 2: 0 "channel=2"; 0 "program=41";
-  midi 3: 0 "channel=3"; 0 "program=42";
-  midi 4: 0 "channel=4"; 0 "program=43";
-  midi 1-4:  0 "param=7,127";
-  midi all: 0 "tempo=200"; 
-  // 1
-  S 1.f; 2;
-  A 1.c; 2d;
-  T 1.a; 2f;
-  B 1.f; 2d;
-  L 1-4: "If ye";
-  bar
-  // 2
-  S 1g; 1a~;
-  A 1e; 1f~;
-  T 1c+; 1c+~;
-  B 1c; 1f~;
-  L 1-4: "love me";
-  bar
-  // 3
-  S 2a; ;g ;f;
-  A 2f; ; e; d;
-  T 2c+; ; ; a;
-  B 2f; ; c; d;
-  L 1-4: "keep my com-";
-  bar
-  // 4
-  S 1b; a;
-  A 1f; ~;
-  T 1d+; c+~;
-  B 1b-; f~;
-  L 1-4: "mand-ments.";
-  bar
-  // 5
-  S 2r; a; ; ;
-  A 1f; 1r;
-  T 1c+; 2r; a;
-  B 1/2f;
-  LS "And I will";
-  LT "And";
-  bar
-  // 6 
-  S 1c+; 2b; a~;
-  A mr;
-  T 2a; ; 2.d+; 4c+;
-  B mr;
-  LS "pray the Fa-";
-  LT "I will pray the";
-  bar
-  // 7
-  S 4a; b; 2g; 1a;
-  A 2r; d; ; ;
-  T 1b; a~;
-  B 1r; d;
-  LS "--ther";
-  LA "And I will";
-  LT "Fa-ther,_";
-  LB "And";
-  bar
-  // 8
-  S mr;
-  A 1f; 2e; d~;
-  T 1a; r;
-  B 2d; d; 2.g; 4f;
-  LA "pray the Fa-";
-  LB "I will pray the";
-  bar
-  // 9 
-  S 2r; g; f; ;
-  A 2d; c; d; ;
-  T 1r; 2r; b;
-  B 1e; d;
-  LS "and he shall";
-  LA "-ther, and";
-  LT "and";
-  LB "Fa-ther.";
-  bar
-  // 10
-  S 1.b; 2a~;
-  A 2b-; ; 1f;
-  T 2g; ; 1d+;
-  B 2r; g; d; d;
-  LS "give you_";
-  LA "He shall give";
-  LT "He shall give";
-  LB "and He shall";
-  bar
-  // 11
-  S 2a; f; a; g~;
-  A 2f; c; f; e;
-  T 2c+; a; 1c+;
-  B 1f; 2; c;
-  LS "a-no-ther_";
-  LA "you a-no--";
-  LT "you a-no-";
-  LB "give you a-";
-  bar
-  // 12
-  S 2g; 1f; 2e;
-  A 2d; b-; 2.c; 4;
-  T 4b; a; 2f; 2.g; 4;
-  B 2d; ; c; ;
-  LS "Com-for-";
-  LA "-ther Com-for-";
-  LT "--ther Com-for-";
-  LB "no-ther Com-for-";
-  bar
-  // 13 
-  S 1f; r;
-  A 1c; r;
-  T 1f; c+;
-  B 1f; r;
-  LS "ter,";
-  LA "ter,";
-  LT "ter, that";
-  LB "ter,";
-  repeatstart
-  // 14
-  S mr;
-  A 1r; f;
-  T 1.f+; 2e+;
-  B 1f; b~;
-  LA "that";
-  LT "He may";
-  LB "that He";
-  bar
-  // 15
-  S mr;
-  A 1.b; 2a;
-  T 2d+; c+; b; c+;
-  B 2b; a; g; f;
-  LA "He may";
-  LT "'bide with you for";
-  LB "may 'bide with";
-  bar;
-  // 16
-  S 2r; f; 1c+~;
-  A 2g; f; ; e;
-  T 2c+; a; g; ; 
-  B 2e; f; 1c;
-  LS "that He";
-  LA "'bide with you for";
-  LT "e--ver, [that";
-  LB "you for e-";
-  bar
-  // 17
-  S 2c+; b; a; g;
-  A 1f; 2; c;
-  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
-  B 2f; ; ; e;
-  LS "may 'bide with";
-  LA "e-ver, with";
-  LT "he may 'bide with";
-  LB "ver, may 'bide with";
-  bar;
-  // 18
-  S 2f; a; 1g;
-  A 2d; ; 1;
-  T 2a; ; 1bn;
-  B 2d; ; 1g;
-  L 1-4: "you for e-";
-  bar
-  // 19
-  S 1g; r;
-  A 1e; ;
-  T 2c+; 1g+; 2c+;
-  B 1c; 2r; c+~;
-  LS "ver;";
-  LA "ver; e'en";
-  LT "ver; e'en the";
-  LB "ver; e'en_";
-  bar
-  // 20
-  S mr;
-  A 2e; 1a; 2g~;
-  T 2g+; f+; e+; d+;
-  B 2c+; f; c+; b;
-  LA "the Sp'rit of_";
-  LT "Sp'rit of truth, the";
-  LB "the Sp'rit of";
-  bar
-  // 21
-  S 2r; 1c+; 2f;
-  A 4g; f; 2; r; f~;
-  T 1/2c+;
-  B 1a; 2f; a~;
-  LS "e'en the";
-  LA "_ truth, [e'en_";
-  LT "Sp'rit";
-  LB "truth, the Sp'rit_";
-  bar
-  // 22 
-  S 2c+; b; 1a;
-  A 2f; b-; f; ;
-  T 2a; 1d+; 2c+~;
-  B 4a; f; 2g; 1f;
-  LS "Sp'rit of truth,";
-  LA "the Sp'rit of";
-  LT "of truth, e'en_";
-  LB "of__ truth,";
-  bar
-  // 23
-  S 2g; f; e; d;
-  A 2e; 1c+; 2f;
-  T 2c+; f; c+; b;
-  B 1r; 2; f~;
-  LS "e'en the Sp'rit of";
-  LA "truth,] e'en the";
-  LT "the Sp'rit of";
-  LB "[e'en_";
-  bar
-  // 24
-  S 2c; 1f; 2c;
-  A 2c+; b; a; g~;
-  T 2a; d+; c+; g;
-  B 2f; b-; f; e;
-  LS "truth, [e'en the";
-  LA "Sp'rit of truth, the_";
-  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
-  LB "the Sp'rit of";
-  bar
-  // 25
-  S 2d; b-; 1c;
-  A 4g; f; 1; 2e;
-  T 2a; f; g; g;
-  B 2d; ; c; ;
-  LS "Sp'rit of__";
-  LA "_ Sp'rit of";
-  LT "truth, the Sp'rit of";
-  LB "truth,] (the Sp'rit of";
-  bar ending "1."
-  // 26 
-  S 1/2c;
-  A 1/2f;
-  T 1/2c+;
-  B 1/2f;
-  L 1-3: "truth,";
-  LB "truth,)";
-  bar
-  // start again
-score time=2/2n
-  S mr;
-  A mr;
-  T 1c+;
-  B mr;
-  LT "that";
-  repeatend ending "2."
-  // last time
-score time=4/2n
-  S 1/2c;
-  A 1/2f;
-  T 1/2c+;
-  B 1/2f;
-  L 1-3: "truth";
-  LB "truth.)";
-  endbar
-title ""
-title ""
-title ""
-title ""
-title ""
-left nl "\f(TB)Source:                    \f(TR)Day's Certaine notes ... (1565). (Bodl. Douce B. 248)" 
-left nl "\f(TB)Text:                        \f(TR)The Gospel according to St. John, chapter 14, vv. 15-17."
-left nl "\f(TB)Editorial Method:  \f(TR)Bar lines are editorial.  Spelling has been"
-print " modernised. Repetitions of underlay shown in the original are enclosed in square"
-left nl "                                 brackets; editorial repetitions are shown in round brackets."
-print "  The anthem is at written pitch."
diff --git a/tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover-alto.odt b/tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover-alto.odt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ce9bea7
Binary files /dev/null and b/tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover-alto.odt differ
diff --git a/tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover.odt b/tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover.odt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1ec1d58
Binary files /dev/null and b/tallis/o-nata-lux/Cover.odt differ
diff --git a/tallis/o-nata-lux/O_nata_lux_Tallis-alto.mscx b/tallis/o-nata-lux/O_nata_lux_Tallis-alto.mscx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..718dcac
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5227 @@
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+            </SlurSegment>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="4"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text></text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text></text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Slur id="5">
+          <track>0</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="4"/>
+          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>75</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>flat</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>73</pitch>
+            <tpc>9</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Volta id="6">
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <beginText>
+            <style>Volta</style>
+            <family>FreeSerif</family>
+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>1</endings>
+          </Volta>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <endSpanner id="6"/>
+        <Volta id="7">
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <beginText>
+            <style>Volta</style>
+            <family>FreeSerif</family>
+            <text>2.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>2</endings>
+          </Volta>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <endSpanner id="7"/>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Slur id="8">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="8"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="8"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Slur id="9">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="9"/>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="9"/>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>flat</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>9</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sae</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sup</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Slur id="10">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="10"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="10"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Slur id="11">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="11"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="11"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="12">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>240</ticks>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="12"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="12"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Volta id="13">
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <beginText>
+            <style>Volta</style>
+            <family>FreeSerif</family>
+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>1</endings>
+          </Volta>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <endSpanner id="13"/>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="3">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Slur id="14">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.35048" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="14"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="14"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Slur id="15">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.40772" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="15"/>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>flat</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>9</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="15"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10.5"/>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645937" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sae</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.811302" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645937" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sup</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Slur id="16">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="16"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text></text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="16"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645937" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.826142" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="17">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>240</ticks>
+            <pos x="2.18154" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="17"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="17"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="18">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="1.02432" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>con-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="18"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="18"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.645937" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>flat</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>9</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.645937" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.826142" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645937" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.811302" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="19">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="19"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="19"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="20">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="1.02432" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>cor-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="20"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="20"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.826142" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.826142" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="4">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <vspacerUp>3</vspacerUp>
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Slur id="21">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="21"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="21"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="22">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>sae-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="22"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="22"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sup</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Slur id="23">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="23"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text></text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="23"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Slur id="24">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="24"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="24"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Slur id="25">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="25"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="25"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="26">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cor-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="26"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="26"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="5">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sae</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="27">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>sup-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="27"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="27"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Slur id="28">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="28"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="28"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="29">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="29"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="29"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="30">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cor-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="30"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="30"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
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+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    </Score>
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+            </Lyrics>
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+              </Tie>
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+            </Lyrics>
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+            </Lyrics>
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+            </Note>
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+            </Lyrics>
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+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text></text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Slur id="5">
+          <track>0</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="4"/>
+          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>75</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>73</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <Volta id="6">
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <beginText>
+            <style>Volta</style>
+            <family>FreeSerif</family>
+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>1</endings>
+          </Volta>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <stretch>1.2</stretch>
+        <endSpanner id="6"/>
+        <Volta id="7">
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <beginText>
+            <style>Volta</style>
+            <family>FreeSerif</family>
+            <text>2.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>2</endings>
+          </Volta>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <endSpanner id="7"/>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Slur id="8">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="8"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="8"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Slur id="9">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="9"/>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="9"/>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sae</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sup</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Slur id="10">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="10"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="10"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Slur id="11">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="11"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="11"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="12">
+          <track>4</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>240</ticks>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="12"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="12"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Volta id="13">
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <beginText>
+            <style>Volta</style>
+            <family>FreeSerif</family>
+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>1</endings>
+          </Volta>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <endSpanner id="13"/>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="3">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Slur id="14">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="14"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="14"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Slur id="15">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="15"/>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="15"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sae</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sup</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Slur id="16">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="16"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text></text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="16"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="17">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>240</ticks>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="17"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="17"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="18">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>con-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="18"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="18"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="19">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="19"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="19"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="20">
+          <track>8</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cor-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="20"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="20"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="4">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Slur id="21">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="21"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="21"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="22">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>sae-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="22"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="22"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sup</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Slur id="23">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="23"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text></text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="23"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Slur id="24">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="24"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="24"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Slur id="25">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="25"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="25"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="26">
+          <track>12</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cor-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="26"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="26"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="5">
+      <Measure number="1" len="3/4">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>O</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>na</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ta</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>lux</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>lu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Je</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>demp</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sae</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>li,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cle</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mens</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="27">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>sup-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="27"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="27"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pli</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cum</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Lau</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>des</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Slur id="28">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ces</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="28"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="28"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>que</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>su</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>me</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>car</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ne</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>quon</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>dam</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>46</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="29">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="29"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>58</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="29"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>gi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Breath>
+          <subtype>0</subtype>
+          </Breath>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gna</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tus</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>es</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>pro</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>di</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tis.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>con</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>fer</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ef</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>fi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ci,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
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+          <subtype>0</subtype>
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+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Tu</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>be</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>51</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Slur id="30">
+          <track>16</track>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cor-</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Slur type="start" id="30"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="30"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>po</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>Nos</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>bra</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18" len="3/4">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ris.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    </Score>
+  </museScore>
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--- /dev/null
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+    <Staff id="1">
+      <Measure number="1">
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+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
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+            <text>va</text>
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+            <Tie id="2">
+              </Tie>
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+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            </Lyrics>
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+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            </Note>
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+            </Note>
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+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
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+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <Tie id="3">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
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+            <endSpanner id="3"/>
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+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
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+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
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+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
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+            <Tie id="4">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
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+            <endSpanner id="4"/>
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+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
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+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
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+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
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+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
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+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
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+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
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+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
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+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
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+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
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+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
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+            </Lyrics>
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+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
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+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
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+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
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+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
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+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
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+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="5">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
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+            <endSpanner id="5"/>
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+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
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+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
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+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
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+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="6">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="6"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="19">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cru</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="7">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="20">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="7"/>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>cem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>et</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>san</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="8">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="21">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="8"/>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <text>gui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="22">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1920</ticks>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="23">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>68</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="24">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="9">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="25">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="9"/>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>1680</ticks>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="26">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos:</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="27">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="28">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="29">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="30">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="31">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="32">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="33">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="34">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <role>1</role>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              <pos x="0.936864" y="-5.67557"/>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="35">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="36">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="37">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="38">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="39">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="10">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="40">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="10"/>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="41">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <role>1</role>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              <pos x="0.349736" y="-5.08844"/>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="42">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="11">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="11"/>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="12">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="43">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="12"/>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <Tie id="13">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="44">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="13"/>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="14">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="45">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="14"/>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="15">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="46">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="15"/>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>68</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="47">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>3840</ticks>
+            <text>ster.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="16">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="48">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="17">
+              </Tie>
+            <endSpanner id="16"/>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="49">
+        <stretch>1.1</stretch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="17"/>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Ambitus>
+          <topPitch>69</topPitch>
+          <topTpc>17</topTpc>
+          <bottomPitch>54</bottomPitch>
+          <bottomTpc>20</bottomTpc>
+          <bottomAccidental>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            </bottomAccidental>
+          </Ambitus>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.36653" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="18">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="18"/>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>4800</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.36653" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="19">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="19"/>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="20">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="20"/>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.63212" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="21">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="21"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>2400</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.01846" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="22">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="22"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>3840</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.00049" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <pos x="2.06921" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="23">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="23"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>cru</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <pos x="2.13596" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>cem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="24">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="19">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="24"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>et</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="2.07352" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>san</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="20">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>gui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nem,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="21">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>et</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>san</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>gui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="22">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.22086" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="23">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sti,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="24">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.49862" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="25">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.09812" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="26">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="27">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <pos x="2.08428" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>nos:</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>56</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="28">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.749311" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="25">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="29">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="25"/>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.50433" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>68</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="30">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="31">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="26">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="32">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="26"/>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="33">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="34">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="35">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="36">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="37">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="38">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="39">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.49862" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="27">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="40">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="27"/>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10"/>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.37158" y="10"/>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="28">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="41">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="28"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="10"/>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>23</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="42">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.50433" y="10"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="43">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="10"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="-0.0251128" y="10"/>
+            <text>  De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="44">
+        <StaffText>
+          <pos x="2.75" y="0.78125"/>
+          <valign>baseline</valign>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>2</yoffset>
+          <family>Times New Roman</family>
+          <size>4</size>
+          <sizeIsSpatiumDependent>1</sizeIsSpatiumDependent>
+          <text>\</text>
+          </StaffText>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="10"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.50433" y="10"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="45">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="46">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="47">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="29">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="48">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="29"/>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="30">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="49">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="30"/>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.828958" y="9.5"/>
+            <text>ster.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="3">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Ambitus>
+          <topPitch>69</topPitch>
+          <topTpc>17</topTpc>
+          <bottomPitch>55</bottomPitch>
+          <bottomTpc>15</bottomTpc>
+          </Ambitus>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.36653" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="31">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="31"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.61415" y="9"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="32">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="32"/>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>2880</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.01846" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1680</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.01846" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.01846" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.63212" y="9"/>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="33">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="33"/>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>2400</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.01846" y="9"/>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="34">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="19">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="34"/>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="20">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="21">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>cru</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.863906" y="9"/>
+            <text>cem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>et</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="22">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>san</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>gui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>nem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="23">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="24">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1440</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.09812" y="9"/>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="25">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="26">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1440</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.09812" y="9"/>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="35">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="27">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="35"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>23</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.846927" y="9"/>
+            <text>nos:</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.47063" y="9"/>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="36">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="28">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="36"/>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.749311" y="9"/>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="37">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="29">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="37"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="30">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="31">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>i</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="32">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>68</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <pos x="0.839742" y="9"/>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <Tie id="38">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="33">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="38"/>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.37158" y="9"/>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="39">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="34">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="39"/>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>23</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="35">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.50433" y="9"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="36">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.05291" y="9"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <Tie id="40">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="37">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="40"/>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>23</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="38">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <role>1</role>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              <pos x="0.478089" y="-6.26269"/>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="39">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="40">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="41">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.645938" y="9"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="42">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="43">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.831855" y="9"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.66011" y="9"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="41">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="44">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="41"/>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>240</ticks>
+            <pos x="1.05291" y="9"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.50433" y="9"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="42">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="45">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="42"/>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="46">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.813886" y="9"/>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="47">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <pos x="0.663906" y="9"/>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <pos x="1.5223" y="9"/>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="48">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>960</ticks>
+            <pos x="2.17182" y="9"/>
+            <text>ster.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="43">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="49">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="43"/>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="4">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Ambitus>
+          <topPitch>65</topPitch>
+          <topTpc>13</topTpc>
+          <bottomPitch>50</bottomPitch>
+          <bottomTpc>16</bottomTpc>
+          </Ambitus>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="44">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="44"/>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>4320</ticks>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="45">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="45"/>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="46">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="46"/>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <role>1</role>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              <pos x="0.673798" y="-5.28415"/>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1920</ticks>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1440</ticks>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="19">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="20">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cru</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="47">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="21">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="47"/>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>cem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>et</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>san</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="48">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="22">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="48"/>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>middle</syllabic>
+            <text>gui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>56</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="23">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>2400</ticks>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="49">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="24">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="49"/>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>56</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="25">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="26">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1920</ticks>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="27">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos:</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="28">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>240</ticks>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="29">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="30">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="31">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>240</ticks>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="32">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="33">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="34">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="35">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="36">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="37">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="38">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="39">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="40">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="41">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="42">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="43">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="44">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="45">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="46">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="47">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <role>1</role>
+              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              <pos x="0.673798" y="-5.08844"/>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="48">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="49">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>ster.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="5">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Ambitus>
+          <topPitch>57</topPitch>
+          <topTpc>17</topTpc>
+          <bottomPitch>45</bottomPitch>
+          <bottomTpc>17</bottomTpc>
+          </Ambitus>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Tie id="50">
+              </Tie>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <endSpanner id="50"/>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <ticks>1200</ticks>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>Sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>tor</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="17">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mun</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>di,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="18">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="19">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>sal</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>480</ticks>
+            <text>va</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="20">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>qui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>per</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="21">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>cru</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>cem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>et</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="22">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>san</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>gui</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nem</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="23">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>sti,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="24">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="25">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>mi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="26">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <ticks>1440</ticks>
+            <text>sti</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="27">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>nos:</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="28">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="29">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="30">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>au</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>xi</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>li</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="31">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>a</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>re</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>53</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="32">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>bis,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="33">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="34">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="35">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="36">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="37">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="38">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="39">
+        <Chord>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="40">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="41">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="42">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="43">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>te</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>de</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>pre</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="44">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>ca</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="45">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>mur,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="46">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>57</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>54</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="47">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>ster,</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>De</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="48">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <text>us</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>begin</syllabic>
+            <text>no</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>49</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="49">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <direction>up</direction>
+            <subtype>fermata</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Lyrics>
+            <syllabic>end</syllabic>
+            <text>ster.</text>
+            </Lyrics>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>45</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    </Score>
+  </museScore>