+sub topcxx
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless (exists $self->{'-pcxx'}) {
+ $self->{'-pcxx'} = DXProt::pc51($self->{to}, $self->{o}, $self->{s});
+ }
+ return $self->{'-pcxx'};
+# add a ping request to the ping queues
+sub add
+ my ($dxchan, $to, $via) = @_;
+ my $from = $dxchan->call;
+ my $ref = $pings{$to} || [];
+ my $r = {};
+ my $self = DXXml::Ping->new(to=>$to, '-hirestime'=>[ gettimeofday ], s=>'1');
+ $self->{u} = $from unless $from eq $main::mycall;
+ $self->{'-via'} = $via if $via && DXChannel::get($via);
+ $self->{o} = $main::mycall;
+ $self->{id} = $self->nextid;
+ $self->route($dxchan);
+ push @$ref, $self;
+ $pings{$to} = $ref;
+ my $u = DXUser->get_current($to);
+ if ($u) {
+ $u->lastping(($via || $from), $main::systime);
+ $u->put;
+ }
+sub handle_ping_reply
+ my $fromdxchan = shift;
+ my $from = shift;
+ my $fromxml;
+ if (ref $from) {
+ $fromxml = $from;
+ $from = $from->{o};
+ }
+ # it's a reply, look in the ping list for this one
+ my $ref = $pings{$from};
+ return unless $ref;
+ my $tochan = DXChannel::get($from);
+ while (@$ref) {
+ my $r = shift @$ref;
+ my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($r->{to});
+ next unless $dxchan;
+ my $t = tv_interval($r->{'-hirestime'}, [ gettimeofday ]);
+ if ($dxchan->is_user) {
+ my $s = sprintf "%.2f", $t;
+ my $ave = sprintf "%.2f", $tochan ? ($tochan->{pingave} || $t) : $t;
+ $dxchan->send($dxchan->msg('pingi', $from, $s, $ave))
+ } elsif ($dxchan->is_node) {
+ if ($tochan) {
+ my $nopings = $tochan->user->nopings || $DXProt::obscount;
+ push @{$tochan->{pingtime}}, $t;
+ shift @{$tochan->{pingtime}} if @{$tochan->{pingtime}} > 6;
+ # cope with a missed ping, this means you must set the pingint large enough
+ if ($t > $tochan->{pingint} && $t < 2 * $tochan->{pingint} ) {
+ $t -= $tochan->{pingint};
+ }
+ # calc smoothed RTT a la TCP
+ if (@{$tochan->{pingtime}} == 1) {
+ $tochan->{pingave} = $t;
+ } else {
+ $tochan->{pingave} = $tochan->{pingave} + (($t - $tochan->{pingave}) / 6);
+ }
+ $tochan->{nopings} = $nopings; # pump up the timer
+ if (my $ivp = Investigate::get($from, $fromdxchan->{call})) {
+ $ivp->handle_ping;
+ }
+ } elsif (my $rref = Route::Node::get($r->{to})) {
+ if (my $ivp = Investigate::get($from, $fromdxchan->{to})) {
+ $ivp->handle_ping;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }