--- /dev/null
+# An RBN deduping filter
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+use strict;
+use 5.10.1;
+use IO::Socket::IP -register;
+use Math::Round qw(nearest);
+my $host = 'telnet.reversebeacon.net';
+my $port = 7000;
+my $mycall = shift or die "usage:rbn.pl <callsign> [debug] [<time between repeat spots in minutes>]\n";
+my $minspottime = 15*60; # minimum length of time between successive spots
+my $attempts;
+my $sock;
+my $dbg;
+while (@ARGV) {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ ++$dbg if $arg =~ /^deb/i;
+ $minspottime = $arg * 60 if $arg =~ /^\d+$/;
+for ($attempts = 1; $attempts <= 5; ++$attempts) {
+ say "admin,connecting to $host $port.. (attempt $attempts) " if $dbg;
+ $sock = IO::Socket::IP->new(
+ PeerHost => $host,
+ PeerPort => $port,
+ Timeout => 2,
+ );
+ last if $sock;
+die "admin,Cannot connect to $host:$port after 5 attempts $!" unless $sock;
+say "admin,connected" if $dbg;
+print $sock "$mycall\r\n";
+say "admin,call sent" if $dbg;
+my %d;
+my %spot;
+my $last = time;
+while (<$sock>) {
+ chomp;
+ my $tim = time;
+ # parse line
+ my (undef, undef, $origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $m, $spd, $u, $sort, $t) = split /[:\s]+/;
+ if ($t) {
+ # We have an RBN data line, dedupe it very simply on time, ignore QRG completely.
+ # This works because the skimmers are NTP controlled (or should be) and will receive
+ # the spot at the same time (velocity factor of the atmosphere taken into account :-)
+ my $p = "$t|$call";
+ next if $d{$p};
+ # new RBN input
+ $d{$p} = $tim;
+ $qrg = sprintf('%.1f', nearest(.1, $qrg)); # to nearest 100Hz (to catch the odd multiple decpl QRG [eg '7002.07']).
+ say join(',', "RBN", $origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $m, $spd, $u, $sort, $t) if $dbg;
+ # Determine whether to "SPOT" it based on whether we have not seen it before (near this QRG) or,
+ # if we have, has it been a "while" since the last time we spotted it? If it has been spotted
+ # before then "RESPOT" it.
+ my $nqrg = nearest(1, $qrg); # normalised to nearest Khz
+ my $sp = "$call|$nqrg"; # hopefully the skimmers will be calibrated at least this well!
+ my $ts = $spot{$sp};
+ if (!$ts || $tim - $ts >= $minspottime) {
+ my $tag = $ts ? "RESPOT" : "SPOT";
+ say join(',', $tag, $origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $m, $spd, $u, $sort, $t);
+ $spot{$sp} = $tim;
+ }
+ } else {
+ say "data,$_" if $dbg;
+ }
+ # periodic clearing out of the two caches
+ if ($tim > $last+60) {
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $removed = 0;
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each %d) {
+ if ($tim-$v > 60) {
+ delete $d{$k};
+ ++$removed
+ } else {
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ }
+ say "admin,rbn cache: $removed removed $count remain" if $dbg;
+ $count = $removed = 0;
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each %spot) {
+ if ($tim-$v > $minspottime*2) {
+ delete $spot{$k};
+ ++$removed;
+ } else {
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ }
+ say "admin,spot cache: $removed removed $count remain" if $dbg;
+ $last = $tim;
+ }
+close $sock;
+exit 0;