use DXUtil;
+use AnyEvent;
+use AnyEvent::Handle;
+use AnyEvent::Socket;
use DXDebug;
use Timer;
-use vars qw(%rd_callbacks %wt_callbacks %er_callbacks $rd_handles $wt_handles $er_handles $now %conns $noconns $blocking_supported $cnum $total_in $total_out $io_socket);
+use vars qw(%conns $noconns $cnum $total_in $total_out);
-%rd_callbacks = ();
-%wt_callbacks = ();
-%er_callbacks = ();
-$rd_handles = IO::Select->new();
-$wt_handles = IO::Select->new();
-$er_handles = IO::Select->new();
$total_in = $total_out = 0;
-$now = time;
- # Checks if blocking is supported
- eval {
- local $^W;
- require POSIX; POSIX->import(qw(O_NONBLOCK F_SETFL F_GETFL))
- };
- eval {
- local $^W;
- require IO::Socket::INET6;
- };
- if ($@) {
- dbg($@);
- require IO::Socket;
- $io_socket = 'IO::Socket::INET';
- } else {
- $io_socket = 'IO::Socket::INET6';
- }
- $io_socket->import;
- if ($@ || $main::is_win) {
- $blocking_supported = $io_socket->can('blocking') ? 2 : 0;
- } else {
- $blocking_supported = $io_socket->can('blocking') ? 2 : 1;
- }
- # import as many of these errno values as are available
- eval {
- local $^W;
- require Errno; Errno->import(qw(EAGAIN EINPROGRESS EWOULDBLOCK));
- };
- unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- if ($] >= 5.6) {
- eval {
- local $^W;
- require Socket; Socket->import(qw(IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELAY));
- };
- } else {
- dbg("IPPROTO_TCP and TCP_NODELAY manually defined");
- eval 'sub IPPROTO_TCP { 6 };';
- eval 'sub TCP_NODELAY { 1 };';
- }
- }
- #
- # defines EINPROGRESS as 10035. We provide it here because some
- # Win32 users report POSIX::EINPROGRESS is not vendor-supported.
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- eval '*EINPROGRESS = sub { 10036 };' unless defined *EINPROGRESS;
- eval '*EWOULDBLOCK = *EAGAIN = sub { 10035 };' unless defined *EWOULDBLOCK;
- eval '*F_GETFL = sub { 0 };' unless defined *F_GETFL;
- eval '*F_SETFL = sub { 0 };' unless defined *F_SETFL;
- eval 'sub IPPROTO_TCP { 6 };';
- eval 'sub TCP_NODELAY { 1 };';
- $blocking_supported = 0; # it appears that this DOESN'T work :-(
- }
-my $w = $^W;
-$^W = 0;
-my $eagain = eval {EAGAIN()};
-my $einprogress = eval {EINPROGRESS()};
-my $ewouldblock = eval {EWOULDBLOCK()};
-$^W = $w;
$cnum = 0;
# Generalised initializer
my $conn = shift;
my $callback = shift;
$conn->{eproc} = $callback;
- set_event_handler($conn->{sock}, error => $callback) if exists $conn->{sock};
sub set_rproc
$conn->{rproc} = $callback;
-sub blocking
- return unless $blocking_supported;
- # Make the handle stop blocking, the Windows way.
- if ($blocking_supported) {
- $_[0]->blocking($_[1]);
- } else {
- my $flags = fcntl ($_[0], F_GETFL, 0);
- if ($_[1]) {
- $flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
- } else {
- $flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
- }
- fcntl ($_[0], F_SETFL, $flags);
- }
# save it
sub conns
# Create a connection end-point object
my $conn = $pkg;
- unless (ref $pkg) {
- $conn = $pkg->new($rproc);
- }
+ $conn = $pkg->new($rproc);
$conn->{peerhost} = $to_host;
$conn->{peerport} = $to_port;
$conn->{sort} = 'Outgoing';
- my $sock;
- if ($blocking_supported) {
- $sock = $io_socket->new(PeerAddr => $to_host, PeerPort => $to_port, Proto => 'tcp', Blocking =>0) or return undef;
- } else {
- # Create a new internet socket
- $sock = $io_socket->new();
- return undef unless $sock;
+ my $sock = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
- my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
- $sock->socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or return undef;
+ connect => [$to_host, $to_port],
- blocking($sock, 0);
- $conn->{blocking} = 0;
+# on_connect => sub {my $h = shift; $conn->{peerhost} = $h->handle->peername;},
- # does the host resolve?
- my $ip = gethostbyname($to_host);
- return undef unless $ip;
+ on_eof => sub {$conn->disconnect},
- my $r = connect($sock, pack_sockaddr_in($to_port, $ip));
- return undef unless $r || _err_will_block($!);
- }
+ on_error => sub {$conn->disconnect},
+ keepalive => 1,
+ linger => 0,
+ );
$conn->{sock} = $sock;
- $conn->{peerhost} = $sock->peerhost; # for consistency
+ $sock->on_read(sub{$conn->_rcv});
- if ($conn->{rproc}) {
- my $callback = sub {$conn->_rcv};
- set_event_handler ($sock, read => $callback);
- }
return $conn;
my ($conn, $line, $sort) = @_;
my $pid;
- local $^F = 10000; # make sure it ain't closed on exec
- my ($a, $b) = $io_socket->socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
- if ($a && $b) {
- $a->autoflush(1);
- $b->autoflush(1);
- $pid = fork;
- if (defined $pid) {
- if ($pid) {
- close $b;
- $conn->{sock} = $a;
- $conn->{csort} = $sort;
- $conn->{lineend} = "\cM" if $sort eq 'ax25';
- $conn->{pid} = $pid;
- if ($conn->{rproc}) {
- my $callback = sub {$conn->_rcv};
- Msg::set_event_handler ($a, read => $callback);
- }
- dbg("connect $conn->{cnum}: started pid: $conn->{pid} as $line") if isdbg('connect');
- } else {
- $^W = 0;
- dbgclose();
- STDIN->close;
- STDOUT->close;
- STDOUT->close;
- *STDIN = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'r') or die;
- *STDOUT = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'w') or die;
- *STDERR = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'w') or die;
- close $a;
- unless ($main::is_win) {
- # $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
- alarm(0);
- }
- exec "$line" or dbg("exec '$line' failed $!");
- }
- } else {
- dbg("cannot fork for $line");
- }
- } else {
- dbg("no socket pair $! for $line");
- }
+# local $^F = 10000; # make sure it ain't closed on exec
+# my ($a, $b) = $io_socket->socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
+# if ($a && $b) {
+# $a->autoflush(1);
+# $b->autoflush(1);
+# $pid = fork;
+# if (defined $pid) {
+# if ($pid) {
+# close $b;
+# $conn->{sock} = $a;
+# $conn->{csort} = $sort;
+# $conn->{lineend} = "\cM" if $sort eq 'ax25';
+# $conn->{pid} = $pid;
+# if ($conn->{rproc}) {
+# my $callback = sub {$conn->_rcv};
+# Msg::set_event_handler ($a, read => $callback);
+# }
+# dbg("connect $conn->{cnum}: started pid: $conn->{pid} as $line") if isdbg('connect');
+# } else {
+# $^W = 0;
+# dbgclose();
+# STDIN->close;
+# STDOUT->close;
+# STDOUT->close;
+# *STDIN = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'r') or die;
+# *STDOUT = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'w') or die;
+# *STDERR = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'w') or die;
+# close $a;
+# unless ($main::is_win) {
+# # $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+# alarm(0);
+# }
+# exec "$line" or dbg("exec '$line' failed $!");
+# }
+# } else {
+# dbg("cannot fork for $line");
+# }
+# } else {
+# dbg("no socket pair $! for $line");
+# }
return $pid;
if (defined($sock)) {
- set_event_handler ($sock, read => undef, write => undef, error => undef);
- shutdown($sock, 2);
- close($sock);
+ $sock->destroy;
unless ($main::is_win) {
-sub send_now {
- my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
- $conn->enqueue($msg);
- $conn->_send (1); # 1 ==> flush
+sub _send_stuff
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $rq = $conn->{outqueue};
+ my $sock = $conn->{sock};
+ while (@$rq) {
+ my $data = shift @$rq;
+ my $lth = length $data;
+ if (isdbg('raw')) {
+ my $call = $conn->{call} || 'none';
+ if (isdbg('raw')) {
+ dbgdump('raw', "$call send $lth: ", $lth);
+ }
+ }
+ $sock->push_write($data);
+ $total_out = $lth;
+ }
sub send_later {
my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
- $conn->enqueue($msg);
- my $sock = $conn->{sock};
- return unless defined($sock);
- set_event_handler ($sock, write => sub {$conn->_send(0)});
+ my $rq = $conn->{outqueue};
+ my $sock = $conn->{sock};
-sub enqueue {
- my $conn = shift;
- push (@{$conn->{outqueue}}, defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '');
+ # this is done like this because enqueueing may be going on independently of
+ # sending (whether later or now)
+ $conn->enqueue($msg);
+ _send_stuff($conn)
-sub _send {
- my ($conn, $flush) = @_;
- my $sock = $conn->{sock};
- return unless defined($sock);
- my $rq = $conn->{outqueue};
- # If $flush is set, set the socket to blocking, and send all
- # messages in the queue - return only if there's an error
- # If $flush is 0 (deferred mode) make the socket non-blocking, and
- # return to the event loop only after every message, or if it
- # is likely to block in the middle of a message.
+sub send_now { goto &send_later; }
-# if ($conn->{blocking} != $flush) {
-# blocking($sock, $flush);
-# $conn->{blocking} = $flush;
-# }
- my $offset = (exists $conn->{send_offset}) ? $conn->{send_offset} : 0;
- while (@$rq) {
- my $msg = $rq->[0];
- my $mlth = length($msg);
- my $bytes_to_write = $mlth - $offset;
- my $bytes_written = 0;
- confess("Negative Length! msg: '$msg' lth: $mlth offset: $offset") if $bytes_to_write < 0;
- while ($bytes_to_write > 0) {
- $bytes_written = syswrite ($sock, $msg,
- $bytes_to_write, $offset);
- if (!defined($bytes_written)) {
- if (_err_will_block($!)) {
- # Should happen only in deferred mode. Record how
- # much we have already sent.
- $conn->{send_offset} = $offset;
- # Event handler should already be set, so we will
- # be called back eventually, and will resume sending
- return 1;
- } else { # Uh, oh
- &{$conn->{eproc}}($conn, $!) if exists $conn->{eproc};
- $conn->disconnect;
- return 0; # fail. Message remains in queue ..
- }
- } elsif (isdbg('raw')) {
- my $call = $conn->{call} || 'none';
- dbgdump('raw', "$call send $bytes_written: ", $msg);
- }
- $total_out += $bytes_written;
- $offset += $bytes_written;
- $bytes_to_write -= $bytes_written;
- }
- delete $conn->{send_offset};
- $offset = 0;
- shift @$rq;
- #last unless $flush; # Go back to select and wait
- # for it to fire again.
- }
- # Call me back if queue has not been drained.
- unless (@$rq) {
- set_event_handler ($sock, write => undef);
- if (exists $conn->{close_on_empty}) {
- &{$conn->{eproc}}($conn, undef) if exists $conn->{eproc};
- $conn->disconnect;
- }
- }
- 1; # Success
+sub send_raw
+ my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
+ push @{$conn->{outqueue}}, $msg;
+ _send_stuff($conn);
-sub dup_sock
- my $conn = shift;
- my $oldsock = $conn->{sock};
- my $rc = $rd_callbacks{$oldsock};
- my $wc = $wt_callbacks{$oldsock};
- my $ec = $er_callbacks{$oldsock};
- my $sock = $oldsock->new_from_fd($oldsock, "w+");
- if ($sock) {
- set_event_handler($oldsock, read=>undef, write=>undef, error=>undef);
- $conn->{sock} = $sock;
- set_event_handler($sock, read=>$rc, write=>$wc, error=>$ec);
- $oldsock->close;
- }
+sub enqueue {
+ my $conn = shift;
+ push (@{$conn->{outqueue}}, defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '');
sub _err_will_block {
- return 0 unless $blocking_supported;
- return ($_[0] == $eagain || $_[0] == $ewouldblock || $_[0] == $einprogress);
+ return 0;
sub close_on_empty
my $conn = shift;
- $conn->{close_on_empty} = 1;
+ $conn->{sock}->push_shutdown;
my ($pkg, $my_host, $my_port, $login_proc) = @_;
my $self = $pkg->new($login_proc);
- $self->{sock} = $io_socket->new (
- LocalAddr => "$my_host:$my_port",
-# LocalPort => $my_port,
- Listen => SOMAXCONN,
- Proto => 'tcp',
- Reuse => 1);
+ $self->{sock} = tcp_server $my_host, $my_port, sub { $self->new_client(@_); }, sub { return 256; };
die "Could not create socket: $! \n" unless $self->{sock};
- set_event_handler ($self->{sock}, read => sub { $self->new_client } );
return $self;
sub nolinger
my $conn = shift;
- unless ($main::is_win) {
- if (isdbg('sock')) {
- my ($l, $t) = unpack "ll", getsockopt($conn->{sock}, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER);
- my $k = unpack 'l', getsockopt($conn->{sock}, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE);
- my $n = $main::is_win ? 0 : unpack "l", getsockopt($conn->{sock}, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY);
- dbg("Linger is: $l $t, keepalive: $k, nagle: $n");
- }
- eval {setsockopt($conn->{sock}, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)} or dbg("setsockopt keepalive: $!");
- eval {setsockopt($conn->{sock}, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, pack("ll", 0, 0))} or dbg("setsockopt linger: $!");
- eval {setsockopt($conn->{sock}, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1)} or eval {setsockopt($conn->{sock}, SOL_SOCKET, TCP_NODELAY, 1)} or dbg("setsockopt tcp_nodelay: $!");
- $conn->{sock}->autoflush(0);
- if (isdbg('sock')) {
- my ($l, $t) = unpack "ll", getsockopt($conn->{sock}, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER);
- my $k = unpack 'l', getsockopt($conn->{sock}, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE);
- my $n = $main::is_win ? 0 : unpack "l", getsockopt($conn->{sock}, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY);
- dbg("Linger is: $l $t, keepalive: $k, nagle: $n");
- }
- }
+ my $sock = $conn->{sock};
+# $sock->linger(0);
+# $sock->keepalive(1);
sub dequeue
return unless defined($sock);
my @lines;
-# if ($conn->{blocking}) {
-# blocking($sock, 0);
-# $conn->{blocking} = 0;
-# }
- $bytes_read = sysread ($sock, $msg, 1024, 0);
- if (defined ($bytes_read)) {
- if ($bytes_read > 0) {
- $total_in += $bytes_read;
- if (isdbg('raw')) {
- my $call = $conn->{call} || 'none';
- dbgdump('raw', "$call read $bytes_read: ", $msg);
- }
- if ($conn->{echo}) {
- my @ch = split //, $msg;
- my $out;
- for (@ch) {
- if (/[\cH\x7f]/) {
- $out .= "\cH \cH";
- $conn->{msg} =~ s/.$//;
- } else {
- $out .= $_;
- $conn->{msg} .= $_;
- }
- }
- if (defined $out) {
- set_event_handler ($sock, write => sub{$conn->_send(0)});
- push @{$conn->{outqueue}}, $out;
+ $msg = $sock->{rbuf};
+ $bytes_read = length $msg || 0;
+ $sock->{rbuf} = '';
+ if ($bytes_read > 0) {
+ $total_in += $bytes_read;
+ if (isdbg('raw')) {
+ my $call = $conn->{call} || 'none';
+ dbgdump('raw', "$call read $bytes_read: ", $msg);
+ }
+ if ($conn->{echo}) {
+ my @ch = split //, $msg;
+ my $out;
+ for (@ch) {
+ if (/[\cH\x7f]/) {
+ $out .= "\cH \cH";
+ $conn->{msg} =~ s/.$//;
+ } else {
+ $out .= $_;
+ $conn->{msg} .= $_;
- } else {
- $conn->{msg} .= $msg;
- }
- } else {
- if (_err_will_block($!)) {
- return ;
+ if (defined $out) {
+ $conn->send_now($out);
+ }
} else {
- $bytes_read = 0;
+ $conn->{msg} .= $msg;
- }
+ }
- if (defined $bytes_read && $bytes_read == 0) {
- &{$conn->{eproc}}($conn, $!) if exists $conn->{eproc};
- $conn->disconnect;
- } else {
- unless ($conn->{disable_read}) {
- $conn->dequeue if exists $conn->{msg};
- }
+ unless ($conn->{disable_read}) {
+ $conn->dequeue if exists $conn->{msg};
sub new_client {
my $server_conn = shift;
- my $sock = $server_conn->{sock}->accept();
+ my $sock = shift;
+ my $peerhost = shift;
+ my $peerport = shift;
if ($sock) {
my $conn = $server_conn->new($server_conn->{rproc});
- $conn->{sock} = $sock;
- blocking($sock, 0);
- $conn->nolinger;
+ $conn->{sock} = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
+ fh => $sock,
+ on_eof => sub {$conn->disconnect},
+ on_error => sub {$conn->disconnect},
+ keepalive => 1,
+ linger => 0,
+ );
$conn->{blocking} = 0;
- my ($rproc, $eproc) = &{$server_conn->{rproc}} ($conn, $conn->{peerhost} = $sock->peerhost(), $conn->{peerport} = $sock->peerport());
+ my ($rproc, $eproc) = &{$server_conn->{rproc}} ($conn, $conn->{peerhost} = $peerhost, $conn->{peerport} = $peerport);
+ dbg("accept $conn->{cnum} from $conn->{peerhost} $conn->{peerport}") if isdbg('connll');
$conn->{sort} = 'Incoming';
if ($eproc) {
$conn->{eproc} = $eproc;
- set_event_handler ($sock, error => $eproc);
if ($rproc) {
$conn->{rproc} = $rproc;
- my $callback = sub {$conn->_rcv};
- set_event_handler ($sock, read => $callback);
+ $conn->{sock}->on_read(sub {$conn->_rcv});
} else { # Login failed
&{$conn->{eproc}}($conn, undef) if exists $conn->{eproc};
sub close_server
my $conn = shift;
- set_event_handler ($conn->{sock}, read => undef, write => undef, error => undef );
- $conn->{sock}->close;
+ undef $conn->{sock};
# close all clients (this is for forking really)
sub disable_read
my $conn = shift;
- set_event_handler ($conn->{sock}, read => undef);
- return $_[0] ? $conn->{disable_read} = $_[0] : $_[0];
-# Event loop routines used by both client and server
-sub set_event_handler {
- shift unless ref($_[0]); # shift if first arg is package name
- my ($handle, %args) = @_;
- my $callback;
- if (exists $args{'write'}) {
- $callback = $args{'write'};
- if ($callback) {
- $wt_callbacks{$handle} = $callback;
- $wt_handles->add($handle);
- } else {
- delete $wt_callbacks{$handle};
- $wt_handles->remove($handle);
- }
- }
- if (exists $args{'read'}) {
- $callback = $args{'read'};
- if ($callback) {
- $rd_callbacks{$handle} = $callback;
- $rd_handles->add($handle);
- } else {
- delete $rd_callbacks{$handle};
- $rd_handles->remove($handle);
- }
- }
- if (exists $args{'error'}) {
- $callback = $args{'error'};
- if ($callback) {
- $er_callbacks{$handle} = $callback;
- $er_handles->add($handle);
- } else {
- delete $er_callbacks{$handle};
- $er_handles->remove($handle);
- }
- }
-sub event_loop {
- my ($pkg, $loop_count, $timeout, $wronly) = @_; # event_loop(1) to process events once
- my ($conn, $r, $w, $e, $rset, $wset, $eset);
- while (1) {
- # Quit the loop if no handles left to process
- if ($wronly) {
- last unless $wt_handles->count();
- ($rset, $wset, $eset) = IO::Select->select(undef, $wt_handles, undef, $timeout);
- foreach $w (@$wset) {
- &{$wt_callbacks{$w}}($w) if exists $wt_callbacks{$w};
- }
- } else {
- last unless ($rd_handles->count() || $wt_handles->count());
- ($rset, $wset, $eset) = IO::Select->select($rd_handles, $wt_handles, $er_handles, $timeout);
- foreach $e (@$eset) {
- &{$er_callbacks{$e}}($e) if exists $er_callbacks{$e};
- }
- foreach $r (@$rset) {
- &{$rd_callbacks{$r}}($r) if exists $rd_callbacks{$r};
- }
- foreach $w (@$wset) {
- &{$wt_callbacks{$w}}($w) if exists $wt_callbacks{$w};
- }
- }
- Timer::handler;
- if (defined($loop_count)) {
- last unless --$loop_count;
- }
- }
+ return defined $_[0] ? $conn->{disable_read} = $_[0] : $_[0];
sub sleep
my ($pkg, $interval) = @_;
- my $now = time;
- while (time - $now < $interval) {
- $pkg->event_loop(10, 0.01);
+ my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ my $wait_a_bit = AnyEvent->timer(
+ after => $interval,
+ cb => sub {$cv->send},
+ );
+ $cv->recv;
+sub set_event_handler
+ my $sock = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my ($pkg, $fn, $line) = caller;
+ my $s;
+ foreach (my ($k,$v) = each %args) {
+ $s .= "$k => $v, ";
+ $s =~ s/[\s,]$//;
+ dbg("Msg::set_event_handler called from ${pkg}::${fn} line $line doing $s");
$is_win = ($^O =~ /^MS/ || $^O =~ /^OS-2/) ? 1 : 0; # is it Windows?
+use strict;
+use AnyEvent;
use Msg;
use IntMsg;
use DXVars;
use Console;
+use vars qw($maxkhist $maxshist $foreground $background $mycallcolor @colors );
# initialisation
-$call = ""; # the callsign being used
-$conn = 0; # the connection object for the cluster
-$lasttime = time; # lasttime something happened on the interface
+my $call = ""; # the callsign being used
+my $conn = 0; # the connection object for the cluster
+my $lasttime = time; # lasttime something happened on the interface
+my $connsort = "local";
+my @khistory = ();
+my @shistory = ();
+my $khistpos = 0;
+my $pos;
+my $lth;
+my $bot;
+my $top;
+my $pagel = 25;
+my $cols = 80;
+my $lines = 25;
+my $scr;
+my $spos = $pos = $lth = 0;
+my $inbuf = "";
+my @time = ();
-$connsort = "local";
-@khistory = ();
-@shistory = ();
-$khistpos = 0;
-$spos = $pos = $lth = 0;
-$inbuf = "";
-@time = ();
+my $lastmin = 0;
+my $sigint;
+my $sigterm;
#$SIG{WINCH} = sub {@time = gettimeofday};
sub do_initscr
$scr = new Curses;
- if ($has_colors) {
+ if ($main::has_colors) {
- init_pair("0", $foreground, $background);
-# init_pair(0, $background, $foreground);
- init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, $background);
- init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, $background);
- init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, $background);
- init_pair(4, COLOR_CYAN, $background);
- init_pair(5, COLOR_BLUE, $background);
- init_pair(6, COLOR_MAGENTA, $background);
+ init_pair("0", $main::foreground, $main::background);
+# init_pair(0, $main::background, $main::foreground);
+ init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, $main::background);
+ init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, $main::background);
+ init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, $main::background);
+ init_pair(4, COLOR_CYAN, $main::background);
+ init_pair(5, COLOR_BLUE, $main::background);
+ init_pair(6, COLOR_MAGENTA, $main::background);
init_pair(7, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE);
init_pair(9, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE);
init_pair(14, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN);
- eval { assume_default_colors($foreground, $background) } unless $is_win;
+ eval { assume_default_colors($main::foreground, $main::background) } unless $main::is_win;
$top = $scr->subwin($lines-4, $cols, 0, 0);
$lines = LINES;
$cols = COLS;
- $has_colors = has_colors();
+ $main::has_colors = has_colors();
# determine the colour of the line
sub setattr
- if ($has_colors) {
+ if ($main::has_colors) {
foreach my $ref (@colors) {
if ($_[0] =~ m{$$ref[0]}) {
# $top->addstr("\n");
- $top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $has_colors;
+ $top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $main::has_colors;
$spos = @shistory;
} else {
$p = 0 if $p < 0;
$top->move(0, 0);
- $top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $has_colors;
+ $top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $main::has_colors;
for ($i = 0; $i < $pagel && $p < @shistory; $p++) {
my $line = $shistory[$p];
$top->addstr("\n") if $i;
- $top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $has_colors;
+ $top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $main::has_colors;
$i += $lines;
$spos = $p;
$scr->addstr($lines-4, 0, $str);
- $scr->attrset($mycallcolor) if $has_colors;
+ $scr->attrset($mycallcolor) if $main::has_colors;
- $scr->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $has_colors;
+ $scr->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $main::has_colors;
# $top->refresh();
+sub idle_loop
+ my $t;
+ $t = time;
+ if ($t > $lasttime) {
+ my ($min)= (gmtime($t))[1];
+ if ($min != $lastmin) {
+ show_screen();
+ $lastmin = $min;
+ }
+ $lasttime = $t;
+ }
+ my $ch = $bot->getch();
+ if (@time && tv_interval(\@time, [gettimeofday]) >= 1) {
+# mydbg("Got Resize");
+# do_resize();
+ next;
+ }
+ if (defined $ch) {
+ if ($ch ne '-1') {
+ rec_stdin($ch);
+ }
+ }
+ $top->refresh() if $top->is_wintouched;
+ $bot->refresh();
# deal with args
$call = uc shift @ARGV if @ARGV;
-$call = uc $myalias if !$call;
+$call = uc $main::myalias if !$call;
my ($scall, $ssid) = split /-/, $call;
$ssid = undef unless $ssid && $ssid =~ /^\d+$/;
if ($ssid) {
$call = "$scall-$ssid";
-if ($call eq $mycall) {
- print "You cannot connect as your cluster callsign ($mycall)\n";
+if ($call eq $main::mycall) {
+ print "You cannot connect as your cluster callsign ($main::mycall)\n";
-$conn = IntMsg->connect("$clusteraddr", $clusterport, \&rec_socket);
+$conn = IntMsg->connect("$main::clusteraddr", $main::clusterport, \&rec_socket);
if (! $conn) {
- if (-r "$data/offline") {
- open IN, "$data/offline" or die;
+ if (-r "$main::root/data/offline") {
+ open IN, "$main::root/data/offline" or die;
while (<IN>) {
print $_;
close IN;
} else {
- print "Sorry, the cluster $mycall is currently off-line\n";
+ print "Sorry, the cluster $main::mycall is currently off-line\n";
+# create end condvar
+my $decease = AnyEvent->condvar;
unless ($DB::VERSION) {
- $SIG{'INT'} = \&sig_term;
- $SIG{'TERM'} = \&sig_term;
+ $sigint = AnyEvent->signal(signal=>'INT', cb=> sub{$decease->send});
+ $sigterm = AnyEvent->signal(signal=>'TERM', cb=> sub{$decease->send});
$SIG{'HUP'} = \&sig_term;
$Text::Wrap::Columns = $cols;
-my $lastmin = 0;
-for (;;) {
- my $t;
- Msg->event_loop(1, 0.01);
- $t = time;
- if ($t > $lasttime) {
- my ($min)= (gmtime($t))[1];
- if ($min != $lastmin) {
- show_screen();
- $lastmin = $min;
- }
- $lasttime = $t;
- }
- my $ch = $bot->getch();
- if (@time && tv_interval(\@time, [gettimeofday]) >= 1) {
-# mydbg("Got Resize");
-# do_resize();
- next;
- }
- if (defined $ch) {
- if ($ch ne '-1') {
- rec_stdin($ch);
- }
- }
- $top->refresh() if $top->is_wintouched;
- $bot->refresh();
+my $event_loop = AnyEvent->timer(after => 0, interval => 0.010, cb => sub{idle_loop()});