Spider-WEB v0.6b Completely based on a clx web client written in Java by dl6dbh (ftp://clx.muc.de/pub/clx/clx-java_10130001.tgz) The webserver has to run on the same machine as your DxSpider software! Installation instructions (Performed as root): Put all the files in the spider-web directory into a newly created directory under the DocumentRoot of your websever for instance 'client'. In my case this is: /var/www/html/client/ Move spider.cgi to the cgi-bin directory of your webserver, in my case that is /var/www/cgi-bin/ Change the permissions of the files to ensure they are correct : chmod 755 /var/www/cgi-bin/spider.cgi chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/client/ By default the spider.cgi script should pick up your hostname (As long as this is set correctly). If it does not or your hostname differs from the name that you attach to the public address that you are using, then edit spider.cgi : # Uncomment and set the hostname manually here if the above fails. # $HOSTNAME = "gb7mbc.spoo.org" ; $PORT = "8000" ; 'HOSTNAME' is the hostname of your cluster. 'PORT' is the portnumber that you use to connect to your DxSpider via telnet (see Listeners.pm) You now can connect to Spider-Web via http://yourserver/cgi-bin/spider.cgi