// // nobody knows the trouble I've seen // Jon Payne 2003 // // $Id: nobody.mup,v 1.4 2003/06/04 20:07:47 djk Exp $ // score lyricsfontfamily = newcentury fontfamily = avantgarde header title bold (24) "" "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen" "" title (14) "" "from 'Reflective Spirituals'" "Jon Payne" score staffs=5 bracket=1-5 lyricssize=15 measnum=y scale=0.60 packexp=1.0 packfact=0.75 staffsep=14 scorepad=10 topmargin=0.75 // botmargin=0.5 // panelsperpage=2 pageheight=11.6944 pagewidth=8.26389 vscheme=2f // division=48 // midi 'quarter note' size - minims (probably) staff 1 clef=treble label="Soprano 1" staff 2 clef=treble label="Soprano 2" staff 3 clef=treble label="Alto" staff 4 clef=treble8 label="Tenor" staff 5 clef=bass label="Bass" score time=4/4 beamstyle=4,4,4,4 key=4& define L lyrics @ music midi 1: 0 "channel=1"; 0 "program=74"; midi 2: 0 "channel=2"; 0 "program=74"; midi 3: 0 "channel=3"; 0 "program=74"; midi 4: 0 "channel=4"; 0 "program=74"; midi 5: 0 "channel=5"; 0 "program=74"; //bar 1 1: mr; [2;3;4;5]: 8ecba; 4; 8; 2edaf; L 2-5: "No-bo-dy knows"; boldital above 2-5: 0 "pp"; bold above 1: 1 "Calm (\(smup4n) = 80)"; bar; 1: mr; [2;3;4;5]: 8ecba; 4; 8; 2edaf; L 2-5: "No-bo-dy knows"; bar; 1: 8c+; 4e; 8f; 4.a; 8b; L 1: "No-bo-dy knows the"; [2;3;4;5]: 8ecba; 4; 8; 2edaf; L 2-5: "No-bo-dy knows"; boldital above 1: 0 "mf"; bar; 1: 8c+; ; 4; 2; L 1: "trou-ble I've seen,"; [2;3;4;5]: 8ecba; 4; 8; 2edaf; L 2-5: "No-bo-dy knows"; bar; // bar 5 [1;2;3;4;5]: 8c+ecba; 4eecba; 8fecba; 4aedab-; ; L 1-5: "no-bo-dy knows but"; 4 2: 2s; 4f; ; bar; 1: 8f; e~; 2.; L 1: "Je-sus:"; [2;3;4;5]: 2db-ab-; db-be; L 2-5: "Je-sus:"; 4 2: 2f; g; bar; 1: 8c+; 4e; 8f; 4.a; 8b; L 1: "No-bo-dy knows the"; [2;3;4;5]: 8ecba; 4; 8; 2edaf; L 2-5: "No-bo-dy knows"; bar; 1: 8c+; ; 4; 2; L 1: "trou-ble I've seen,"; 2: 4g; f; 2e; L 2: "none but He,"; [3;4;5]: 4cae; b-ad; b-<>g&<>c<>; a-nff; L 3-5: ;;;s; "none but He,_"; bar; [1;2;3;4 1;4 2;5]: 8e+adc+fb-; c+adc+fb- tie; 4; bfdbbe; c+gdbbe; L 1-5: "Glo-ry_ Hal-le-"; // 4 2: 8f; ~; 4; 2s; bar; //bar 10 1: 4a; 2.; L 1: "lu-jah!"; [2;3]: 2ec; 4g<>e<>; fd; L 2-3: "lu-jah!_"; [4 1; 4 2; 5]: 2c+aa-; d+bd; L 4-5: "lu-jah!"; ital above 1-5: 0 "rit...."; bar; [1;2;3;4]: 8cecb; 4fecb; 8fecb; aeda; rrrr; 4; L 1-4: "Some-times I'm up,"; 5: 8a; 2; 8;;r; L 5: "Some-times I'm up,"; ital above 1-5: 1.2 "a tempo"; boldital above 1-5: 0 "fff"; bar; 1: 8a; 4; 8; f<>; 4e; 8r; [2;3;4]: 8ecb; 4; 8; eda; rrr; 4; L 1-4: "(Some-times I'm down),"; 5: 8a; 2; 8d; ; r; L 5: "(Some-times I'm down),"; boldital above 1-5: 0 "mp"; bar; 1: 8c+<>; e<>; 4f; 2a; L 1: "Oh_ yes"; [2;3;4;5]: 2ecba; edab-; L 2-5: "Oh yes"; bar; 1: 8f<>; e~; 2.; 2: 1d; 3: 1b-; 4: 2a<>; g; 5: 2b-<>; e; L 1-5: 1; "Lord,_"; bar; //bar 15 [1;2;3;4;5]: 8c+ecba; 4eecba; 8fecba; 4aedaf; bedaf; L 1-5: "some-times I'm al-most"; bar; 1: 8c+; 4; 8; 2; L 1: "down to the ground,"; 2: 4g; 8f; ; 2e; L 2: "down to the ground,"; [3;4;5]: 4cae; 8b-ad; ; 4b-g&c slur; a-ff; L 3-5: 4;8;8;2; "down to the ground,"; bar; 1: 4.e+<>; 8c+; b<>; c+<>; 4; 2: 2a; 8f<>; g<>; 4; [3; 4 1; 4 2; 5]: 2dc+fb-; dbbe; L 1-5: "Oh yes_"; bar; [1;2;3;4 1;4 2;5]: 1aecc+aa-; L 1-5: "Lord."; bar; [1;2;3]: 2c+ae; bfe; L 1-3: "(ah)- -"; 4: 8c+; 4e; 8f; 4a; b; L 4: "Al-though you see me"; 5: mr; boldital above 1-3: 0 "mp"; boldital above 4: 0 "f"; bar; //bar 20 [1;2]: 1af; 3: 2e; d; 4: 8c+; ~; {; ; ;}3; 2; L 4: "go-ing a-long so,"; 5: mr; bar; [1;2]: 1ae; [3;4]: 2b-c+; ca; L 4: "Oh yes"; 5: mr; bar; 1: 2f; g; 2: 1e; 3: 2d; c; 4: 8f<>;b<>;2.; L 4: 1; "Lord,_"; 5: mr; bar; 1: 1a; 2: 1f; 3: 2c; d; 4: 8c+; 4e; 8f; a<>; 4b; 8a; L 4: 8;4;8;4.;8; "I have my tri-als"; 5: mr; bar; 1: 2b; a; 2: 4g; 2.f; 3: 2.e; 4d; 4: c+; ; 2; L 4: "here be-low,"; 5: mr; bar; //bar 25 [1;2;3]: 1gec; 4: 2e+; 8b<>; 8c+~; 4; L 4: 2;2; "Oh yes"; 5: mr; bar; [1;2;3;4]: 1ffca; L 1-3: 4;2.s; "-"; L 4: "Lord."; 5: mr; bar; [1;2;3;4;5]: 8c+aec+a; 4eca-ba; 8fdb-ad; 4.afdbd; 8bgebe; L 1-5: "If you get there be-"; boldital above 1-5: 0 "ff"; bar; [1;2;3;4;5]: c+aec+a; ; 2c+baf+d+; L 1-5: "fore I do,"; bar; 4: c+<>; b; 2c+; [1;2;3;5]: 2aeca; afdb; L 1-5: "Oh_ yes"; bar; //bar30 1: 8f<>; e~; 2.; 2: 8d<>; c~; 4<>; 2d; 3: 8b-<>; a-~; 2.; 4: 2a; b; L 1-4: 1; "Lord_"; 5: 1e; L 5: "Lord"; bar; [1;2;3;4;5]: 8c+aec+a; 4eca-aa; 8fdb-aa; 4afdbb-; bgebe; L 1-5: "Tell all my friends I'm"; bar; [1;2;3;4;5]: c+aec+a; c+aec+c; 2c+afd+b-; L 1-5: "co-ming too,"; rom above 1-5: 3 "\(ferm)"; bar; [1;2;3;4;5]: 4.e+c+ec+e slur; 8c+aec+e; bgege slur; c+ged+e tie; 4; L 1-5: 2;2; "Oh_ yes_"; ital above 1-5: 1 "rit...."; bar; [1;2;3;4;5]: 1aaec+a-; L 1-5: "Lord."; endbar; title "" title "" title "" title "" title "" title "Engraved by Withburga Music" \ "$Id: nobody.mup,v 1.4 2003/06/04 20:07:47 djk Exp $" \ "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga" title "Edition \(copyright) 2003" "" "Music \(copyright) 2003 Jon Payne" // last line for white space at EOF