3 # this file contains the system messages. Don't forget to reload them
4 # if you change them (load/messages)
13 addr => 'Address set to: $_[0]',
14 already => '$_[0] already connnected',
15 anns => 'Announce flag set on $_[0]',
16 annu => 'Announce flag unset on $_[0]',
17 badnode1 => '$_[0] is now a bad node',
18 badnode2 => '$_[0] is now a good node',
19 badnode3 => 'List of Bad Nodes:-',
20 bbse1 => 'Please enter your BBS address,, set/bbs <your bbs address>',
21 bbs => 'Your BBS Address is now \"$_[0]\"',
22 beepoff => 'Beeps are now off',
23 beepon => 'Beeps are now on',
24 call1 => 'Callsign lookup via $_[0]:',
25 conother => 'Sorry $_[0] you are connected to me on another port',
26 concluster => 'Sorry $_[0] you are already connected elsewhere on the cluster (on $_[1])',
27 conscript => 'no connect script called \"$_[0]\" found in $main::root/connect',
28 confail => 'connection to $_[0] failed ($_[1])',
29 constart => 'connection to $_[0] started',
30 disc1 => 'Disconnected by $_[0]',
31 disc2 => 'Channel $_[0] disconnected',
32 disc3 => 'No Channel, but connection $_[0] disconnected',
33 disc4 => 'No Channel or connection but orphan $_[0] disconnected',
34 db1 => 'This database is hosted at $_[0]',
35 db2 => 'Sorry, but key: $_[0] was not found in $_[1]',
36 db3 => 'Sorry, database $_[0] doesn\'t exist here',
37 db4 => 'Sorry, database $_[0] located at $_[1] isn\'t currently online',
38 db5 => 'Accessing remote database on $_[0]...standby...',
39 db6 => 'Database $_[0] already exists, delete it first',
40 db7 => 'Database $_[0] created for remote node $_[1]',
41 db8 => 'Database $_[0] created locally',
42 db9 => 'Database $_[0] removed',
43 db10 => '$_[0] records imported into $_[1]',
44 db11 => 'Sending your request(s) to $_[0], please stand by...',
45 dfreq1 => 'Invalid freq $_[0] need: eg 0/30000 or hf or hf/cw',
47 dup => 'Sorry, this is a duplicate',
48 dx1 => 'Frequency $_[0] not in band (see show/band); usage: DX [BY call] freq call comments',
49 dx2 => 'Need a callsign; usage: DX [BY call] freq call comments',
50 dxs => 'DX Spots flag set on $_[0]',
51 dxu => 'DX Spots flag unset on $_[0]',
52 e1 => 'Invalid command',
54 e3 => '$_[0]: $_[1] not found',
55 e4 => 'Need at least a prefix or callsign',
57 e6 => '*** No station specified ***',
58 e7 => 'callsign $_[0] not visible on the cluster',
59 e8 => 'Need a callsign and some text',
60 e9 => 'Need at least some text',
61 e10 => '$_[0] not connected locally',
62 e11 => 'Can\'t use $main:mycall as target',
63 e12 => 'Need a node callsign',
64 e13 => '$_[0] is not a node',
65 e14 => 'First argument must be numeric and > 0',
66 e15 => 'invalid qualifier \"$_[0]\"',
67 e16 => 'File \"$_[0]\" exists',
68 e17 => 'Please don\'t use the words: @_ on here',
69 e18 => 'Cannot connect to $_[0] ($!)',
70 e19 => 'Invalid character in line',
71 e20 => 'token $_[0] not recognised',
72 e21 => '$_[0] not numeric',
73 e22 => '$_[0] not a callsign',
74 e23 => '$_[0] not a range (eg 0/30000)',
75 e24 => 'Sorry, Internet access is not enabled',
76 e25 => 'Sorry the value must be between $_[0] and $_[1]',
77 e26 => 'Too many concurrent errors, you are being disconnected',
79 echoon => 'Echoing enabled',
80 echooff => 'Echoing disabled',
81 echow => '*Echoing is currently disabled, set/echo to enable',
82 emaile1 => 'Please enter your email address, set/email <your e-mail address>',
83 emaila => 'Your E-Mail Address is now \"$_[0]\"',
84 email => 'E-mail address set to: $_[0]',
85 export1 => 'usage: export <msgno> <filename>',
86 export2 => '$_[3] has error exporting msg $_[0] to $_[1] ($_[2])',
87 export3 => '$_[2 ] exported msg $_[0] to $_[1]',
88 filter1 => 'Filter $_[0] updated for $_[1]',
89 filter2 => 'Unknown filter keyword $_[0]',
90 filter3 => 'No filters defined for $_[0]',
91 filter4 => '$_[0]$_[1] Filter $_[2] deleted for $_[3]',
92 filter5 => 'need some filter commands...',
93 filter6 => '$_[0]$_[1] Filter for $[2] not found',
94 grids => 'DX Grid flag set on $_[0]',
95 gridu => 'DX Grid flag unset on $_[0]',
96 hasha => '$_[0] already exists in $_[1]',
97 hashb => '$_[0] added to $_[1]',
98 hashc => '$_[0] removed from $_[1]',
99 hashd => '$_[0] not in $_[1]',
100 hashe => '$_[0] set on $_[1]',
101 helpe1 => 'Help system unavailable, tell sysop',
102 helpe2 => 'No help available on $_[0]',
103 heres => 'Here set on $_[0]',
104 heade1 => 'Using $main::mycall Coords, consider doing a set/location or set/qra',
105 hereu => 'Here unset on $_[0]',
106 homebbs => 'Home BBS set to: $_[0]',
107 homenode => 'Home Node set to: $_[0]',
108 hnodee1 => 'Please enter your Home Node, set/homenode <your home DX Cluster>',
109 hnodee2 => 'Failed to set homenode on $_[0]',
110 hnode => 'Your Homenode is now \"$_[0]\"',
111 init1 => 'sent initialisation message to $_[0]',
112 iso => '$_[0] Isolated',
113 isou => '$_[0] UnIsolated',
114 isoc => '$_[0] created and Isolated',
115 l1 => 'Sorry $_[0], you are already logged on on another channel',
116 l2 => 'Hello $_[0], this is $main::mycall in $main::myqth\nrunning DXSpider V$main::version build $main::build',
117 lang => 'Language is now $_[0]',
118 lange1 => 'set/language <lang> where <lang> is one of ($_[0])',
119 lange2 => 'failed to set language on $_[0]',
120 lh1 => '$main::data/hop_table.pl doesn\'t exist',
121 loce1 => 'Please enter your location,, set/location <latitude longitude>',
122 loce2 => 'Don\'t recognise \"$_[0]\" as a Lat/Long (eg 52 20 N 0 16 E)',
123 loce3 => '$_[0] is a QRA locator, please use: set/qra $_[0]',
124 loc => 'Your Lat/Long is now \"$_[0]\"',
125 lockout => '$_[0] Locked out',
126 lockoutc => '$_[0] Created and Locked out',
127 lockoutun => '$_[0] Unlocked',
128 loginu => 'User $_[0] has logged in',
129 logoutu => 'User $_[0] has logged out',
130 loginn => 'Node $_[0] has logged in',
131 logoutn => 'Node $_[0] has logged out',
132 m1 => 'Enter Subject (30 characters):',
133 m2 => 'Copy of msg $_[0] sent to $_[1]',
134 m3 => 'Sorry, $_[0] is an unacceptable TO address',
135 m4 => 'Sorry, can\'t access message $_[0]',
136 m5 => 'Sorry, I need a message number',
137 m6 => 'Reply to: $_[0]',
138 m7 => 'Subject : $_[0]',
139 m8 => 'Enter Message /EX to send or /ABORT to exit',
140 m9 => 'New mail has arrived for you',
141 m10 => 'Message Aborted',
142 m11 => 'Message no $_[0] saved and directed to $_[1]',
143 m12 => 'Message no $_[0] deleted',
144 m13 => 'Message no $_[0] missing',
145 m14 => 'Message no $_[0] marked as sent to $_[1]',
146 m15 => 'Message no $_[0] unmarked as sent to $_[1]',
147 m16 => 'Need a Message number',
148 m17 => 'Sorry, cannot send messages in $_[0] mode',
149 msg1 => 'Bulletin Messages Queued',
150 msg2 => 'Private Messages Queued',
151 msg3 => 'Msg $_[0]: $_[1] changed from $_[2] to $_[3]',
152 msgu => 'usage: msg <cmd> <msgno> data...',
153 merge1 => 'Merge request for $_[1] spots and $_[2] WWV sent to $_[0]',
154 moon => 'Location Rise Set Azim Elev RGain dB',
155 mond => 'Monitoring Disabled',
156 mone => 'Monitoring Enabled',
157 namee1 => 'Please enter your name, set/name <your name>',
158 namee2 => 'Can\'t find user $_[0]!',
159 name => 'Your name is now \"$_[0]\"',
160 nodea => '$_[0] set as AK1A style Node',
161 nodeac => '$_[0] created as AK1A style Node',
162 nodeb => '$_[0] set as BBS',
163 nodebc => '$_[0] created as BBS',
164 nodec => '$_[0] set as CLX style Node',
165 nodecc => '$_[0] created as CLX style Node',
166 noder => '$_[0] set as AR-Cluster style Node',
167 noderc => '$_[0] created as AR-Cluster style Node',
168 nodes => '$_[0] set as DXSpider style Node',
169 nodesc => '$_[0] created as DXSpider style Node',
170 nodex => '$_[0] set as DXNET style Node',
171 nodexc => '$_[0] created as DXNET style Node',
172 nodeu => '$_[0] set back as a User',
173 nodee1 => 'You cannot use this command whilst your target ($_[0]) is on-line',
174 notdone => 'NOT Done',
175 obscount => 'Ping obsolescence count on $_[0] set to $_[1]',
176 ok => 'Operation successful',
177 outconn => 'Outstanding connect to $_[0]',
178 page => 'Press Enter to continue, A to abort ($_[0] lines) >',
179 pagelth => 'Page Length is now $_[0]',
180 passerr => 'Please use: SET/PASS <password> <callsign>',
181 password => 'Password set or changed for $_[0]',
182 pingo => 'Ping Started to $_[0]',
183 pingi => 'Ping Returned from $_[0] $_[1] (Ave $_[2]) secs',
184 pinge1 => 'Cannot ping yourself!',
185 pingint => 'Ping interval on $_[0] set to $_[1] secs',
186 'pos' => 'From Callsign: $_[0] Lat: $_[1] Long: $_[2]',
187 pr => '$_[0] de $main::mycall $_[1] $_[2] >',
188 pr2 => '($_[0]) de $main::mycall $_[1] $_[2] >',
189 priv => 'Privilege level changed on $_[0]',
190 prx => '$main::mycall >',
191 qll => 'Please enter your location with set/location or set/qra',
192 qthe1 => 'Please enter your QTH, set/qth <your qth>',
193 qth => 'Your QTH is now \"$_[0]\"',
194 qrae1 => 'Please enter your QRA locator, set/qra <qra locator> (eg set/qra JO02LQ)',
195 qrashe1 => 'Please enter a QRA locator, eg sh/qra JO02LQ or sh/qra JO02LQ IO93NS',
196 qrae2 => 'Don\'t recognise \"$_[0]\" as a QRA locator (eg JO02LQ)',
197 qra => 'Your QRA Locator is now \"$_[0]\"',
198 rcmdo => 'RCMD \"$_[0]\" sent to $_[1]',
199 rec => '$_[0] records',
200 read1 => 'Sorry, no new messages for you',
201 read2 => 'Msg $_[0] not found',
202 read3 => 'Msg $_[0] not available',
203 route => '$_[0] on $_[1] via $_[2]',
204 sat1 => 'Tracking Table for $_[0] for the next $_[1] hours every $_[2] mins',
205 sat2 => 'dd/mm UTC Lat Lon Alt Km Az El Dist Km',
206 sat3 => 'Syntax: SH/SAT <name> [<hours> <interval>]',
207 sat4 => 'Satellites available:-',
208 satnf => 'Satellite $_[0] unknown',
210 sethop1 => 'usage: set/hops <call> ann|spots|wwv|wcy <no of hops>',
211 sethop2 => '$_[0] hops set on $_[1]$_[2] for $_[3]',
212 sethop3 => 'No hops set for $_[0]',
213 shutting => '$main::mycall shutting down...',
214 sloc => 'Cluster lat $_[0] long $_[1], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
215 snode1 => 'Node Call Sort Version',
216 snode2 => '$_[0] $_[1] $_[2]',
217 snode3 => '$_[0] Unknown Call',
218 sqra => 'Cluster QRA Locator$_[0], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
220 spf1 => 'spoof: creating new user $_[0]',
221 sun => 'Location Rise Set Azim Elev',
222 suser1 => 'usage: callsign user_field_name value',
223 suser2 => 'User $_[0] not found',
224 suser3 => 'User field \'$_[0]\' was \'$_[1]\' now set to \'$_[2]\'',
225 suser4 => 'User field name \'$_[0]\' doesn\'t exist',
226 time1 => 'Local Time: $_[0] $_[1], UTC $_[2]',
227 time2 => '$_[0] Local (standard) time: $_[1] ($_[2] Hours)',
228 time3 => '$_[0] $_[1]',
229 talks => 'Talk flag set on $_[0]',
230 talku => 'Talk flag unset on $_[0]',
231 talkend => 'Finished talking to you',
232 talkinst => 'Entering Talkmode, /EX to end, /<cmd> to run a command',
233 talkprompt => 'Talk ($_[0])>',
234 talkstart => 'Starting talking to you',
235 usernf => '*** User record for $_[0] not found ***',
236 wwvs => 'WWV flag set on $_[0]',
237 wwvu => 'WWV flag unset on $_[0]',
238 wxs => 'WX flag set on $_[0]',
239 wxu => 'WX flag unset on $_[0]',
242 addr => 'Addres gezet op: $_[0]',
243 already => '$_[0] reeds geconnect',
244 anns => 'Announce berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
245 annu => 'Announce berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
246 bbse1 => 'Geef je home bbs (mailbox),, set/bbs <home mailbox>',
247 bbs => 'Je home bbs (mailbox) is nu \"$_[0]\"',
248 beepoff => 'De beep staat nu UIT',
249 beepon => 'De beep staat nu AAN',
250 conother => 'Sorry $_[0] je bent reeds geconnect op een andere poort',
251 concluster => 'Sorry $_[0] je bent reeds op een ander cluster geconnect',
252 conscript => 'Geen connectscript aangeroepen \"$_[0]\" gevonden in $main::root/connect',
253 confail => 'Verbinding met $_[0] mislukt ($_[1])',
254 constart => 'Verbinding met $_[0] gestart',
255 disc1 => 'Gedisconnect door $_[0]',
256 disc2 => '$_[0] gedisconnect',
257 dx1 => 'Frequentie $_[0] valt niet binnen een band [Opdracht: DX freq call commentaar](Zie sh/band)',
258 dx2 => 'Ik heb een call nodig! [Opdracht: DX freq call commentaar]',
259 dxs => 'DX Spots worden WEL doorgegeven aan $_[0]',
260 dxu => 'DX Spots worden NIET doorgegeven aan $_[0]',
261 e1 => 'Ongeldige opdracht',
263 e3 => '$_[0]: $_[1] niet gevonden',
264 e4 => 'Minimaal een prefix of een call nodig',
265 e5 => 'Niet toegestaan',
266 e6 => '*** Geen station gespecifiseerd ***',
267 e7 => 'Callsign $_[0] is niet zichtbaar op het cluster',
268 e8 => 'Ik heb een call en tekst nodig',
269 e9 => 'Ik heb wel tekst nodig voor een announce!',
270 e10 => '$_[0] is niet lokaal verbonden',
271 e12 => 'Ik heb een node call nodig',
272 e13 => '$_[0] is geen node',
273 emaile1 => 'Geef uw E-mail addres, set/email <uw e-mail addres>',
274 emaila => 'Uw E-Mail addres is nu \"$_[0]\"',
275 email => 'E-mail addres gezet op: $_[0]',
276 helpe1 => 'Help systeem niet beschikbaar, meld dit aan de sysop',
277 helpe2 => 'Geen help beschikbaar over \"$_[0]\"',
278 heres => 'Aanwezigheid AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
279 heade1 => 'Gebruik gemaakt van de $main::mycall coordinaten, overweeg een set/location of set/qra',
280 hereu => 'Aanwezigheid UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
281 homebbs => 'Uw Home mailbox is nu $_[0]',
282 homenode => 'Uw (Home) DX-Cluster is : $_[0]',
283 hnodee1 => 'Geef mij uw lokale (home) DX-cluster, set/homenode <DX-cluster>',
284 hnode => 'Uw (home) DX-cluster is nu \"$_[0]\"',
285 iso => '$_[0] is geisoleerd (Isolated)',
286 isou => '$_[0] is niet meer geisoleerd (UnIsolated)',
287 isoc => '$_[0] gecreerd en geisoleerd (Isolated)',
288 l1 => 'Sorry $_[0], u bent reeds op een ander kanaal ingelogt',
289 l2 => 'Hallo $_[0], dit is $main::mycall in $main::myqth met DXSpider V$main::version',
290 lh1 => '$main::data/hop_table.pl bestaat niet',
291 loce1 => 'Geef uw coordinaten met, set/location <latitude longitude>',
292 loce2 => 'Herken \"$_[0]\" niet als Lat/Long (vb 52 20 N 0 16 E)',
293 loc => 'Uw Latitude en Longitude zijn nu \"$_[0]\"',
294 lockout => '$_[0] heeft geen toegang meer (Locked out)',
295 lockoutun => '$_[0] heeft wederom toegang (Unlocked)',
296 m2 => '$_[0] Informatie: $_[1]',
297 merge1 => 'Merge verzoek voor $_[1] spots en $_[2] WWV verzonden naar $_[0]',
298 msgnew => 'Er is nieuwe post gearriveerd voor u',
299 namee1 => 'Geef aub uw naam met, set/name <uw naam>',
300 namee2 => 'Gebruiker $_[0] niet te vinden!',
301 name => 'Uw naam is gezet op \"$_[0]\"',
302 node => '$_[0] gezet als een AK1A stijl DX-cluster',
303 nodeu => '$_[0] teruggezet naar gebruiker status',
304 nodec => '$_[0] gecreeerd als AK1A stijl DX-cluster',
305 nodee1 => 'U kunt deze opdracht niet uitvoeren zolang ($_[0]) on-line is',
306 ok => 'Opdracht succesvol uitgevoerd',
307 page => 'Druk op Enter om door te gaan, A om af te breken (nog $_[0] regels) >',
308 pagelth => 'Paginalengte gezet op ($_[0]) regels',
309 passerr => 'Gebruik: SET/PASS <wachtwoord> <call>',
310 password => 'Wachtwoord gezet of gewijzigd voor $_[0]',
311 pingo => 'Ping gestart naar $_[0]',
312 pingi => 'Ping ontvangen van $_[0] $_[1] (Ave $_[2]) secs',
313 pr => '$_[0] de $main::mycall $_[1] $_[2] >',
314 pr2 => '($_[0]) de $main::mycall $_[1] $[2] >',
315 priv => 'Privilege level gewijzigd op $_[0]',
316 prx => '$main::mycall >',
317 qll => 'Geef uw locator met set/location of set/qra',
318 qthe1 => 'Geef uw woonplaats met, set/qth <woonplaats>',
319 qth => 'Uw QTH is nu \"$_[0]\"',
320 qrae1 => 'Geef uw QRA locator, set/qra <qra locator> (vb set/qra JO33FD)',
321 qrashe1 => 'Geef uw QRA locator, vbg sh/qra JO33FD of sh/qra JO33FD IO93NS',
322 qrae2 => 'Ik herken \"$_[0]\" niet als een QRA locator (vb JO33FD)',
323 qra => 'Uw QRA Locator is nu \"$_[0]\"',
324 rcmdo => 'RCMD \"$_[0]\" verzonden naar $_[1]',
325 read1 => 'Sorry, geen berichten voor u',
326 read2 => 'Bericht $_[0] niet gevonden',
327 read3 => 'Bericht $_[0] niet beschikbaar',
328 shutting => '$main::mycall gaat QRT...',
329 sloc => 'Cluster lat $_[0] long $_[1], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
330 sqra => 'Cluster QRA Locator$_[0], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
331 talks => 'Talk berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
332 talku => 'Talk berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
333 usernf => '*** Gebruiker info van $_[0] niet gevonden ***',
334 wwvs => 'WWV berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
335 wwvu => 'WWV berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
336 wxs => 'WX berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
337 wxu => 'WX berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
344 addr => 'Dirección es ahora: $_[0]',
345 already => '$_[0] ya esta conctado',
346 anns => 'Anuncios activados $_[0]',
347 annu => 'Anuncios desactivados $_[0]',
348 badnode1 => '$_[0] es ahora un nodo malo',
349 badnode2 => '$_[0] es ahora un nodo bueno',
350 badnode3 => 'Lista de nodos malos:-',
351 bbse1 => 'Por favor introduce la dirección de tu BBS,, set/bbs <tu bbs>',
352 bbs => 'Tu BBS es ahora \"$_[0]\"',
353 beepoff => 'Beeps desactivados',
354 beepon => 'Beeps activados',
355 call1 => 'Callsign lookup via $_[0]:',
356 conother => 'Lo siento $_[0] ya estás conectado en otro puerto',
357 concluster => 'Lo siento $_[0] ya estás conectado en otro cluster',
358 conscript => 'no connect script called \"$_[0]\" found in $main::root/connect',
359 confail => 'conexión con $_[0] fallida ($_[1])',
360 constart => 'conexión con $_[0] ha comenzado',
362 disc1 => 'Desconectado por $_[0]',
363 disc2 => '$_[0] desconectado',
364 db1 => 'Esta base de datos está en $_[0]',
365 db2 => 'Lo siento, pero la palabra: $_[0] no se encontró en $_[1]',
366 db3 => 'Lo siento, la base de datos $_[0] no existe aquí',
367 db4 => 'Lo siento, la base de datos $_[0] situada en $_[1] no se encuentra disponible',
368 db5 => 'Accediendo a la base de datos remota $_[0]...espere...',
369 db6 => 'Base de datos $_[0] ya existe, bórrala primero',
370 db7 => 'Base de datos $_[0] creada para el nodo remoto $_[1]',
371 db8 => 'Base de datos $_[0] creada localmente',
372 db9 => 'Base de datos $_[0] borrada',
373 db10 => '$_[0] records imported into $_[1]',
374 db11 => 'Petición enviada a $_[0], por favor espera...',
375 dfreq1 => 'Invalid freq $_[0] need: eg 0/30000 or hf or hf/cw',
376 dup => 'Lo siento, esto es un duplicado',
377 dx1 => 'Frecuencia $_[0] fuera de banda (ver show/band); usa: DX [BY indicativo] frec indic. comentario',
378 dx2 => 'Necesita indicativo; usa: DX [BY indicativo] frec indic. comentario',
379 dxs => 'DX Spots activado $_[0]',
380 dxu => 'DX Spots desactivado $_[0]',
381 e1 => 'Comando inválido',
382 e2 => 'Error: $_[0]',
383 e3 => '$_[0]: $_[1] no encontrado',
384 e4 => 'Se necesita, por lo menos, un prefijo o indicativo',
385 e5 => 'No permitido',
386 e6 => '*** No se ha especificado una estación ***',
387 e7 => 'indicativo $_[0] no visible en el cluster',
388 e8 => 'Se necesita un indicativo y algo de texto',
389 e9 => 'Se necesita al menos algo de texto',
390 e10 => '$_[0] no conectado en local',
391 e11 => 'Can\'t use $main:mycall as target',
392 e12 => 'Se necesita el indicativo del nodo',
393 e13 => '$_[0] no es un nodo',
394 e14 => 'El primer argumento debe de ser mumérico y > 0',
395 e15 => 'cualificador no válido \"$_[0]\"',
396 e16 => 'El fichero \"$_[0]\" ya existe',
397 e17 => 'Por favor no uses la palabra: @_ aqui',
398 e18 => 'No se puede conectar con $_[0] ($!)',
399 e19 => 'Caracter inválido en la linea',
400 e20 => 'señal $_[0] no reconocido',
401 e21 => '$_[0] no numérico',
402 e22 => '$_[0] no es un indicativo',
403 e23 => '$_[0] fuera de rango (ej: 0/30000)',
404 e24 => 'Lo siento, el acceso a internet no está habilitado',
405 e25 => 'Lo siento el valor debe de estar entre $_[0] y $_[1]',
407 echoon => 'Habilitado eco',
408 echooff => 'Deshabilitado eco',
409 echow => '*Eco está ahora deshabilitado, set/echo para habilitar',
410 emaile1 => 'Por favor introduce tu E-mail, set/email <tu e-mail>',
411 emaila => 'Tu dirección de E-Mail es ahora \"$_[0]\"',
412 email => 'E-mail es ahora: $_[0]',
413 export1 => 'usa: export <msgno> <filename>',
414 export2 => '$_[3] hubo un error exportando msg $_[0] to $_[1] ($_[2])',
415 export3 => '$_[2 ] exportando msg $_[0] to $_[1]',
416 filter1 => 'Filtro $_[0] actualizado para $_[1]',
417 filter2 => 'Necesito un valor para $_[0]',
418 filter3 => 'No hay filtros definidos para $_[0]',
419 filter4 => '$_[0]$_[1] Filtros $_[2] borrados para $_[3]',
420 filter5 => 'necesito algunos camandos para el filtro...',
421 filter6 => '$_[0]$_[1] Filtro para $[2] no encontrado',
422 grids => 'DX Grid está activado $_[0]',
423 gridu => 'DX Grid está desavtivado $_[0]',
425 hasha => '$_[0] ya existe en $_[1]',
426 hashb => '$_[0] añadido a $_[1]',
427 hashc => '$_[0] eliminado desde $_[1]',
428 hashd => '$_[0] no en $_[1]',
429 hashe => '$_[0] activado $_[1]',
430 helpe1 => 'La ayuda no esta disponible, avisa al sysop',
431 helpe2 => 'No hay ayuda disponible en $_[0]',
432 heres => 'Here activado $_[0]',
433 heade1 => 'Usando $main::mycall Coords, se recomienda usar set/location o set/qra',
434 hereu => 'Here desactivado $_[0]',
435 homebbs => 'Tu BBS es ahora: $_[0]',
436 homenode => 'Tu Nodo habitual es ahora: $_[0]',
437 hnodee1 => 'Por favor introduce tu nodo local, set/homenode <tu DXCluster local>',
438 hnodee2 => 'Fallo al poner homenode on $_[0]',
439 hnode => 'Tu nodo habitual es ahora \"$_[0]\"',
440 init1 => 'enviando mensaje de inicialización a $_[0]',
441 iso => '$_[0] Aislado',
442 isou => '$_[0] Desaislado',
443 isoc => '$_[0] creado y aislado',
444 l1 => 'Lo siento $_[0], ya estás conectado en otro canal',
445 l2 => 'Hola $_[0], este es $main::mycall en $main::myqth usando DXSpider V$main::version',
446 lang => 'El idioma es ahora $_[0]',
447 lange1 => 'set/language <lang> cuando <lang> es uno de ($_[0])',
448 lange2 => 'fallo al poner idioma en $_[0]',
449 lh1 => '$main::data/hop_table.pl no existe',
450 loce1 => 'Por favor introduce tu posición, set/location <latitud longitud>',
451 loce2 => 'No reconocida \"$_[0]\" como una Lat/Long (eg 52 20 N 0 16E)',
452 loc => 'Tu Lat/Long es ahora \"$_[0]\"',
453 lockout => '$_[0] Boloqueado',
454 lockoutc => '$_[0] Creado y bloqueado',
455 lockoutun => '$_[0] Desbloqueado',
456 loginu => 'Usuario $_[0] conectado',
457 logoutu => 'Usuario $_[0] desconectado',
458 loginn => 'Nodo $_[0] conectado',
459 logoutn => 'Nodo $_[0] desconectado',
460 m1 => 'Introduce título (30 caracteres):',
461 m2 => 'Copia del mensaje $_[0] enviada a $_[1]',
462 m3 => 'Lo siento, $_[0] no se puede enviar TO dirección',
463 m4 => 'Lo siento, no puedo acceder al mensaje $_[0]',
464 m5 => 'Lo siento, se necesita un número de mensaje',
465 m6 => 'Reenviado a: $_[0]',
466 m7 => 'Título : $_[0]',
467 m8 => 'Introduce mensaje /EX para enviar o /ABORT para salir',
468 m9 => 'Hay correo nuevo para ti',
469 m10 => 'mensaje interrumpido',
470 m11 => 'mensaje nr $_[0] guardado y enviado a $_[1]',
471 m12 => 'mensaje nr $_[0] borrado',
472 m13 => 'mensaje nr $_[0] no encontrado',
473 m14 => 'mensaje nr $_[0] marcado para enviar a $_[1]',
474 m15 => 'mensaje nr $_[0] desmarcado para ser enviado a $_[1]',
475 m16 => 'Necesito un número de mensaje',
476 m17 => 'Lo siento, no puedo enviar el mensaje en $_[0] modo',
477 msg1 => 'Bulletin Messages Queued',
478 msg2 => 'Private Messages Queued',
479 msg3 => 'Msg $_[0]: $_[1] cambiado en $_[2] to $_[3]',
480 msgu => 'usa: msg <cmd> <msgno> data...',
481 merge1 => 'Petición de envío desde $_[1] spots y $_[2] WWV enviados a $_[0]',
482 moon => 'QTH Salida Puesta Azim Elev RGain dB',
483 namee1 => 'Por favor, introduce tu nombre set/name <tu nombre>',
484 namee2 => 'No se encuentra el usuario $_[0]!',
485 name => 'Tu nombre es ahora \"$_[0]\"',
486 nodea => '$_[0] set as AK1A style Node',
487 nodeac => '$_[0] created as AK1A style Node',
488 nodec => '$_[0] set as CLX style Node',
489 nodecc => '$_[0] created as CLX style Node',
490 noder => '$_[0] set as AR-Cluster style Node',
491 noderc => '$_[0] created as AR-Cluster style Node',
492 nodes => '$_[0] set as DXSpider style Node',
493 nodesc => '$_[0] created as DXSpider style Node',
494 nodex => '$_[0] set as DXNET style Node',
495 nodexc => '$_[0] created as DXNET style Node',
496 nodeu => '$_[0] es ahora un usuario',
497 nodee1 => 'You cannot use this command whilst your target ($_[0]) is on-line',
498 obscount => 'Ping obsolescence count on $_[0] set to $_[1]',
499 ok => 'Operación realizada',
500 outconn => 'Iniciando conexion con $_[0]',
501 page => 'Teclea Enter para continuar, A para abortar ($_[0] lineas) >',
502 pagelth => 'La longitud de las páginas es ahora $_[0]',
503 passerr => 'Por favor usa: SET/PASS <password> <indicativo>',
504 password => 'Password ajustado o cambiado para $_[0]',
505 pingo => 'Iniciado el ping a $_[0]',
506 pingi => 'Retorno del ping desde $_[0] $_[1] (Ave $_[2]) secs',
507 pinge1 => 'No puedes enviarte un ping a ti mismo!',
508 pingint => 'Intervalo de ping en $_[0] ajustado para $_[1] segundos',
509 'pos' => 'From Callsign: $_[0] Lat: $_[1] Long: $_[2]',
510 pr => '$_[0] de $main::mycall $_[1] $_[2] >',
511 pr2 => '($_[0]) de $main::mycall $_[1] $_[2] >',
512 priv => 'Nivel de privilegios en $_[0]',
513 prx => '$main::mycall >',
514 qll => 'Por favor introduce tu locator con set/location o set/qra',
515 qthe1 => 'Por favor introduce tu QTH, set/qth <tu qth>',
516 qth => 'Tu QTH es ahora \"$_[0]\"',
517 qrae1 => 'Por favor introduce tu QRA locator, set/qra <qra locator> (ej: set/qra JO02LQ)', qrashe1 => 'Por favor introduce un QRA locator, ej sh/qra JO02LQ o sh/qra JO02LQ IO93NS', qrae2 => 'No reconocido \"$_[0]\" como un QRA locator (ej JO02LQ)',
518 qra => 'Tu QRA Locator es ahora \"$_[0]\"',
519 rcmdo => 'RCMD \"$_[0]\" enviado a $_[1]',
520 rec => '$_[0] records',
521 read1 => 'Lo siento, no hay mensajes nuevos para ti',
522 read2 => 'Msg $_[0] no encontrado',
523 read3 => 'Msg $_[0] no disponible',
524 route => '$_[0] en $_[1] via $_[2]',
525 sat1 => 'Tabla de seguimiento $_[0] para las proximas $_[1] horas cada $_[2] minutos',
526 sat2 => 'dd/mm UTC Lat Lon Alt Km Az El Dist Km',
527 sat3 => 'Sintaxis: SH/SAT <nombre> [<horas> <intervalo>]',
528 sat4 => 'Satélites disponibles:-',
529 satnf => 'Satélite $_[0] desconocido',
531 sethop1 => 'usa: set/hops <call> ann|spots|wwv|wcy <nr de hops>',
532 sethop2 => '$_[0] hops set on $_[1]$_[2] for $_[3]',
533 sethop3 => 'No hay hops definidos para $_[0]',
534 shutting => '$main::mycall shutting down...',
535 sloc => 'Cluster lat $_[0] long $_[1], NO OLVIDES CAMBIAR TU DXVars.pm',
536 snode1 => 'Nodo Call Sort Version',
537 snode2 => '$_[0] $_[1] $_[2]',
538 snode3 => '$_[0] Indicativo desconocido',
539 sqra => 'Cluster QRA Locator$_[0], NO OLVIDES CAMBIAR TU DXVars.pm',
540 sorry => 'Lo siento',
541 spf1 => 'spoof: creando nuevo usuario $_[0]',
542 sun => 'QTH Salida Puesta Azim Elev',
543 suser1 => 'usa: indicativo user_field_name value',
544 suser2 => 'Usuario $_[0] no encontrado',
545 suser3 => 'User field \'$_[0]\' was \'$_[1]\' now set to \'$_[2]\'',
546 suser4 => 'User field name \'$_[0]\' doesn\'t exist',
547 time1 => 'Horario local: $_[0] $_[1], UTC $_[2]',
548 time2 => '$_[0] Local (standard) time: $_[1] ($_[2] Horas)',
549 time3 => '$_[0] $_[1]',
550 talks => 'Talk activado $_[0]',
551 talku => 'Talk desactivado $_[0]',
552 talkend => 'Finalizado modo talk contigo',
553 talkinst => 'Entrando en modo talk, /EX para salir, /<cmd> para ejecutar un comando',
554 talkprompt => 'Talk ($_[0])>',
555 talkstart => 'Iniciando modo talk contigo',
556 usernf => '*** User record for $_[0] no encontrado ***',
557 wwvs => 'WWV activado $_[0]',
558 wwvu => 'WWV desactivado $_[0]',
559 wxs => 'WX activado $_[0]',
560 wxu => 'WX desactivado $_[0]',