5 title bold (24) "When to the Temple Mary Went" "" "\s(20)\f(TR)Johann Eccard (fl. 1553-1611)"
8 title (16) "When to the Temple Mary Went" "" "Johann Eccard"
20 // lyricsfontfamily = courier
21 // lyricsfontfamily = avantgarde
22 // lyricsfontfamily = bookman
23 // lyricsfontfamily = helvetica
24 // lyricsfontfamily = newcentury
25 lyricsfontfamily = palatino
27 // lyricsfontfamily = times
37 // division=48 // midi 'quarter note' size - minims (probably)
69 define ALL [ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 ]: @
72 define LS2 lyrics 2: @
76 define LB2 lyrics 6: @
77 define LALL lyrics 1-6 : @
80 define PS2 phrase 2: @
84 define PB2 phrase 6: @
85 define MS rom above 1: @
86 define MS2 rom above 2: @
87 define MA rom above 3: @
88 define MT rom above 4: @
89 define MB rom above 5: @
90 define MB2 rom above 6: @
91 define SMS "\(smsharp)" @
92 define SMN "\(smnat)" @
93 define SMF "\(smflat)" @
94 define BSMS "(\(smsharp))" @
95 define BSMN "(\(smnat))" @
96 define BSMF "(\(smflat))" @
97 define FERM "\(smferm)" @
98 define R rehearsal mnum @
106 1 1: [cue; len 0] 4f+;
107 1 2: [cue; len 0] 4e;
108 2 1: [cue; len 0] 4e&+;
109 2 2: [cue; len 0] 4d;
110 3 1: [cue; len 0] 4g;
111 3 2: [cue; len 0] 4g-;
112 4 1: [cue; len 0] 4d+;
113 4 2: [cue; len 0] 4d;
114 5 1: [cue; len 0] 4d+;
115 5 2: [cue; len 0] 4b-;
116 6 1: [cue; len 0] 4g;
117 6 2: [cue; len 0] 4d-;
136 define PROG 0 "program=1" @
138 midi 1: 0 "channel=1"; PROG;
139 midi 2: 0 "channel=2"; PROG;
140 midi 3: 0 "channel=3"; PROG;
141 midi 4: 0 "channel=4"; PROG;
142 midi 5: 0 "channel=5"; PROG;
143 midi 6: 0 "channel=6"; PROG;
147 midi all: 0 "param=7,64";
148 midi all: 0 "tempo=200";
150 // decani on the right, cantoris on the left
151 midi 1,5: 0 "parameter=10, 96";
152 midi 2,6: 0 "parameter=10, 32";
194 LS "Ma-ry went, and";
210 LS "brought the Ho-ly";
212 LA "went, and brought";
213 LT "and brought the";
214 LB "went, and brought";
227 LS2 "brought the Ho-ly";
289 LS "Sim-eon see, as";
305 LS "it had been re-";
322 LS2 "it had been re-";
349 ALL 2d+fdfbb-; ; c+affaf; d+bnffd+d;
350 LALL "took up Je-sus";
354 ALL 2.e&+c+gc+gc; 4; 2d+bngd+gg-; d+d+gd+bng-;
355 LALL "in his arms and,";
360 S2 2e&+; d+; 2.c+; 4;
366 L 1,3,5,6: "bless-ing God, he";
367 L 2,4: "bless-ing God, he";
378 L 1,3,4,6: "said: in";
383 [1;3;4;6] : 2.c+faf; 4bfd+b-; 2afc+f; gdbg;
385 L 1,3,4,6 : "peace I now de-";
398 L 1,4 : 1.;2; "part,_ my";
410 LS "Sa-viour hav-ing";
413 LT "Sa-viour hav-ing";
426 LS2 "Hope of Is-ra-";
446 LB2 "Hope of Is-ra-";
458 LS2 "Hope of Is-ra-";
478 LB2 "Hope of Is-ra-";
498 LT 1;2;2; "el,_ the Light_";
504 S 2e+; 2.d+; 8c#+; bn; 2c+;
512 LS 1.;2; "Light_ of";
514 LA "man, the Light of";
516 LB "men, the Light of";
521 [ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 ] : 1/2d+af#da;
523 mussym above 1-6 : 1 "ferm";
535 [ 2; 3; 5; 6 ] : 1ec#ea-; 2ecea-; ;
539 L 2-3,5-6 : "Help now Thy";
550 LS "now The ser-vants";
551 LS2 "ser-vants, gra-cious";
554 LB "ser-vants, gra-";
555 LB2 "ser-vants, gra-cious";
566 LS "gra-cious Lord, that";
569 LT "gra-cious Lord,_";
635 LS "once the faith-ful";
636 LS2 "faith-ful Sim-eon";
638 LT "once the faith-ful";
640 LB2 "faith-ful Sim-eon";
651 LS "Sim-eon was, re-";
667 LS "joic-ing but in";
684 LS2 "joic-ing but in";
711 ALL 2d+fdfbb-; ; c+affaf; d+bnffd+d;
712 LALL "when we must from";
716 ALL 2.e&+c+gc+gc; 4; 2d+bngd+gg-; d+d+gd+bng-;
717 LALL "Earth de-par-ture";
722 S2 2e&+; d+; 2.c+; 4;
728 L 1,3,5,6: "take, de-par-ture";
729 L 2,4: "take, de-par-ture";
740 L 1,3,4,6: "take, may";
745 [1;3;4;6] : 2.c+faf; 4bfd+b-; 2afc+f; gdbg;
747 L 1,3,4,6 : "gent-ly fall a-";
760 L 1,4 : 1.;2; "sleep,_ may";
761 L 3,6 : "sleep, may";
772 LS "gent-ly fall a-";
775 LT "gent-ly fall a-";
788 LS2 "gent-ly fall a-";
803 LS "gent-ly fall a-";
808 LB2 "gent-ly fall a-";
820 LS2 "gent-ly fall a-";
821 LA "gent-ly fall a-";
835 LS "gent-ly fall a-";
840 LB2 "gent-ly fall a-";
858 LS 1.;2; "sleep,_ and";
861 LT "fall a-sleep, and_";
862 LB "and with Thee,_";
867 S 2e+; 2.d+; 8c#+; bn; 2c+;
875 LS 2; 1.; "with Thee_";
877 LA 2s;2;;; "and with Thee";
879 LB 2s;2;2.;4;"and with thee";
884 [ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 ] : 1/2d+af#da;
893 title "Performing Edition \(copyright) 2001" "" "$Id: temple_mary.mup,v 1.6 2001/01/29 23:51:33 djk Exp $"
894 title "Engraved by Withburga Music" "" "http://www.tobit.co.uk/withburga"